Quote Originally Posted by silvershooter View Post
I'm the only person in our club who owns a CO2 pistol. I was thinking of joining in but I'm doing 3 postal leagues at the moment and sometimes have a job to shoot them by the specified date.
I know exactly what you mean.

We decided not to shoot in the Eley competition this year as we felt we had enough going-on in our club and did not want to overload ourselves.

Three competitions going on at the same time probably is enough for most club members to take on. We are fortunate with our choice as none of them are too demanding on our time so we can keep them as something to look forward to and not something that becomes a chore.

We still have plenty of time for some relaxed shooting most weeks, so right now I think we have the balance just about right - and still have time for some bell target shooting as well!

Let us know if things change and you get a sudden rush of interest in any of the Classic air pistols - even if most of your club share pistols to make up the team numbers - this is often what we do!