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Thread: Proposed New Scoring for MPL 2013.

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    Got to say Bob my Hw45 is completely standard & I can 9 times out of 10 do better than +4 per card with a webley Alecto or Hw75 so my argument still stands, if you want the advantage buy a springer!! Or if you want I'll lend you mine I would hate to have to retire my 45 just because Ssp's are lighter easier to cock & have no recoil are we changing the logo to olive oil as well? It's the MPL not the dance of the ssp fairy's!!!!

  2. #47
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    Rossendale and Formby
    You make some fair points John. We have talented shooters that get the best results from a standard pistol, and some that have "improved" their kickers to perhaps get a bit more.

    Apart from some decent routine clean and service, I don't know of any kicker used in the RMTC that has been modified in any way, but I think some of the Rivvy lads have made a really good job of producing some anatomical grips that must help - an option that is available to all of us!

    The next 5 months of MPL results will let us see if we have got the balance right, or if we need to make an adjustment to the bonus points we award per card to the kickers. I used my Centre Target this month to take full advantage of the extra 16 points that are available to me, but I am not sure that I could have scored 16 points more with my FWB 65 to get the same score - I think not - and that is the point.

    There will be no changes at all in the scoring until the third series starts in July at the earliest, but we must keep an eye on the scores achieved as we do want to encourage all spring powered and SSP pistols, and to do that we have the bonus point system to give a level playing field, but this must not disadvantage those with recoilless springers of SSP pistols so the balance has to be right, so we will check this after 6 months to see if we have got it right.

    I like your dig at the SSP Fairies by the way - there are a few of us that may need to get our tutu's out again!
    Last edited by zooma; 09-02-2013 at 10:18 AM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Nov 2012
    This months top two scores at RMTC were springer's but so were the bottom two, RMTC top 5 (2 kickers 3 non kickers) Rivi top 5 (3 of each ) I know 3+3=6 but it was joint 5th with one of each. I don't think the ballance is to bad & the palm shelves & such that some have been adding to the kickers are usually already fitted as standard on the limp wrist brigades target pistols I love my 45 but it is my least accurate pistol & if the advantage was tipped I would probably use something else we would probably end up with an ssp/non recoiling springer leage instead of the variety we have now & that can't be a good thing.

  4. #49
    mrfixit is offline There's many a slip twixt trousers and skip
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    On this topic, pretty sure the only 2 people to improve/modify their grip on kickers are myself and Paul.Now I'm not even shooting the Centre and I'm pretty confident Paul could outshoot the majority of us if he turned round and shot backwards.
    So for me your point re.mods is a mute one and as John suspected the plus 16 is to much.
    Paul was shooting high 170's+ with the standard grip.You openly admit to having your pistols internals polished re lubed and the like but add a bit of body filler to the grip and your thinking they should be classed differently?
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  5. #50
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    Paul could outshoot most of us using a webley & spitfire pellets!

  6. #51
    Join Date
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    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    Quote Originally Posted by Fat stig View Post
    Paul could outshoot most of us using a webley & spitfire pellets!
    so you saw the groups he was getting with his smooth bore Webley too did you??
    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  7. #52
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    The mans a freak I think it's all in the hat I'm hatching a plan to steal it

  8. #53
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    Good debate so far everyone.

    .......are we thinking at this stage that maybe the kicker bonus is a little too generous?.......but that we must keep it ( albeit slightly revised next season) at all costs to encourage all types of MPL legal pistols to stay involved?

    My guess it that whatever we think now our options and thoughts may change as we see how the season unfolds.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  9. #54
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    Best bet see what happens & drop it by a point per season untill there comes a time that Paul can't win with his centre :d so -20 for a kicker should do but then he will switch to an ssp powered by fairy dust & we will have to change the rules again. It's the 1st competition I've seen that the rules change to suit the players unless you count Fergie time make the rules & stick by them, if you want the advantage of using a kicker use one & if you can't don't bitch about the people that do having said that I do think +3 per card is plenty but as I said whatever the rules are I'll Abide by them & choose my gun accordingly

  10. #55
    mrfixit is offline There's many a slip twixt trousers and skip
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    We have had 1 full season,so shouldn't be to hard to work the average kicker/non kicker score and set the bonus points from that.
    In fairness to Bob he drafted a set of rules for an unknown quantity and I think it's right to tweak them here and there to get the format spot on.
    I think we need to forget about Paul's scores as to count him would put the other kicker shooters at a disadvantage,his true average is about 9.1 with a £80 20 year old gun,you just have to take your hat off to that.
    Not quite sure who's bitching about kicker shooters,but then it was posted at nearly 2am
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  11. #56
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    I think the moral here is: YOU CANT PUT A GOOD MAN DOWN.

    You can just call him 'The Poison Dwarf', 'Jonesy', 'Relum Lover' 'TC1' and thats the polite ones.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  12. #57
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    Quote Originally Posted by Fat stig View Post
    Best bet see what happens & drop it by a point per season untill there comes a time that Paul can't win with his centre :d so -20 for a kicker should do but then he will switch to an ssp powered by fairy dust & we will have to change the rules again. It's the 1st competition I've seen that the rules change to suit the players unless you count Fergie time make the rules & stick by them, if you want the advantage of using a kicker use one & if you can't don't bitch about the people that do having said that I do think +3 per card is plenty but as I said whatever the rules are I'll Abide by them & choose my gun accordingly
    We are NOT changing any of the MPL rules John - they seem to be working well enough - so the long established reasoning of "if it ain't broke - don't fix it" will continue to be our guide.

    I thought I had come up with a good and novel scoring system for the kickers to act as a handicap system to make them competitive with the recoilless types - but as I was advised that it was confusing for the scorers to score some cards UP and some cards DOWN I proposed and introduced this new simple scoring system that is very much easier to score as all cards are now scored UP in the same way, but I still needed to have a handicap system to encourage and support the kickers.

    We are monitoring the new scoring system ( introduced to make scoring easier), and when we have enough information about how this system performs we may choose to slightly refine the bonus points so that it works as well as possible to try and provide as level a playing field as possible between the kickers and the recoilless pistols we have in use.

    I would not base any proposed changes on a single talented competitors ability, any more than on a new beginners first scores, but rather try to make a considered judgement after the end of the second series - not an easy task - but something we may need to do to keep the MPL series strong and enjoyed by all in the future.

    IF after this analysis of the first season of working with the new scoring system we feel that maybe the kicker bonus is slightly too generous, then a PROPOSAL will be offered here by myself for debate before any changes would be considered.

    I believe this is the best way to run the MPL and to keep everyone involved (that wants to be) by giving them the opportunity to comment and offer opinion on any proposed change before any changes are made.
    Last edited by zooma; 10-02-2013 at 02:48 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  13. #58
    Join Date
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    Don't mind me Bob just having a big wooden spoon moment I love the mpl it's been my introduction to pistol shooting & whatever happens with the scoring you can count me in hope the ccl gets as many people having a go. both on & off the range

  14. #59
    mrfixit is offline There's many a slip twixt trousers and skip
    Join Date
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    Agreed John,and I've a new (to me)ccl pistol on route
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  15. #60
    Join Date
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    Very nice I can't wait to get mine on Tuesday ccl here we come

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