Tried the guide out a little more so now I know what all the buttons do without looking
Had a trip today to one of our deer shoots ( nearly all muntjac) this is a shoot in a very dense broadleaf woodland. We have 6 high seats set up but we have to feed the deer so they are shootable we fed today with maize as this seems to be a favourite. When I finally climbed into the high seat with rifle binos and the guide 518c.
Turned the guide on and noticed straight away that the heap of maize was still warm from being in the motor so it had a really handy thermal signature. Upon my next scan with the guide I found a heat source on the maize it was a squirrel approx 75 yards away then I noticed a few tiny heat sources that turned out to be blue tits approx 50 yards away. After about an hour I spotted a large heat source and could clearly identify as a muntjac. Anyone who shoots muntjac will know that the big bucks very rearly show them selves. This muntjac would not leave the cover of a briar hedge but remained clearly visible on the thermal scope. At no time could I see this deer with my binos. I worked out that to carry on moving in the same direction this deer would have to cross a two foot opening between briar bushes this proved to be the deers last steps with a well placed 55 grain .223 bullet.
Again I looked through the thermal scope and could clearly see the dead deer and again I could not see the carcass with the binos. This buck was a large healthy buck the type you rarely see even though you know they are there. This thermal scope in going to become a must take piece of kit that will go on most hunts with me.
The next trip will be foxing with thermal for spotting and night vision for shooting.
I have taken a few photos with the on board camera in the guide but have not worked out how to put them on here yet..