Rochford 3rd march results
A great day and nice weather too for a change. A great turnout and a big thank you to all that set up and helped pack away, its very much appreciated.
Here are the scores:-
Harry Kalaydjian........ .59
James Luff...... ..58
Dan Ferraro... ....57
Ron Whitney... ...57
Andy Jones..... ..56
Linda O'Malley.. ..56 (ladies)
John Munns..... ..56
Chris Watson.... .55
Robert Watson...5 4
Colin Wilson.... ...54
Karen Yates..... ..53 (ladies)
Carm Ferraro... ...53 (ladies)
David Cook...... ..53
Dave Spary..... ..52
Rex Bennet.... ...52 (spr)
Keith Parsons... .52 (spr)
Andy Bailey.... ...52
John Richardson........ .51
Mike Watson.... .51
Dave Bonner.... .51
Steve Burton.... 51
Dan Macpherson........ 49
Chris Ball...... ....48
Connor Burton. 48
Ryan Yates..... ..48
Ray P. Webster.........47
Lynn Webster... .47 (ladies)
Lewis Yates..... .40 (junior)
Rachel Luff...... .38 (junior)
Well done to you all and see you next shoot 17th march
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