I got a 26" barrelled 3.5" magnum in duckblind in cammo about 8 weeks ago.

Done over 800 cartidges mainly on the spring drillings crows and pigeon.

I have to say I shoot a over and under much better, I have altered the stock in every way possible to suit but it don't fit me like a beretta but Im pretty big with long arms.

Anyhow in the first early stages I had a few jams but I found a few sharp edges inside so I smoothed them over with a diamond file and haven't had a jam since.

The gun is running in well, and is low recoiling now but there was definatley a run in period.

I have to admit I struggled like hell with it at first wondering if it was the fit of the stock as I was hitting birds and not killing cleanly, I swapped to 3/4 choke and bang that was it, anyone shooting pigeons and crows with one of these should definitely try 3/4 choke as Ive shot crows cleanly out to 60yrd.