I have also seen those same cards - shown to me with a wobbly hand and a shaky voice by none other than IJ himself.

His face was a picture and the result declared a "freak" so I am looking to see similar result's repeated every month in the new seasons MPL - mainly just to annoy IJ.

Maybe you would like to scan them and display them here to further add to the embarrassment - or even persuade said "Wobbly Shooter" to enter the 6 yard series as I know for sure that really would cause a stir !

I took my Wobbly Tempest to RMTC last night for a few of us to have a go with, and it was good fun - but I think a little "tuning" may be required to get the best results from it...can anybody help with this by advising what to do to improve it?

Maybe our top "Wobbly Shooter" has some ideas?