He is feeling smug Gerard because my own Wobbly Tempest failed to perform this evening unfortunately. For whatever reason, and believe me a couple of us tried our best, we couldn't get a zero. Interestingly, the gun is very consistent over the chrono, but if you cant hit anything, well, what can I say?

Ians "Orca" semi automatic pistol was much more accurate tonight. He was shooting it at all and sundry. Its very accurate for an elastic band gun I must say. Just needs some more work on the stock and it could go into production. Me, I will stick to the Wobbly Mk1 and Premier which are clearly far superior to the Tempest I hate to say. The BSA Magnum I was using was a different matter though. Take a look at the other thread for a quick summary of that guns good performance.

(Awaits tirade from Ian Jones)
