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Thread: Breaking wind when shooting classic airguns.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2010

    Breaking wind when shooting classic airguns.

    Please be aware that failure to restrain from carrying out "noisy" bodily functions when at the firing line with your gun can, and probably will, result in a visit from the Bottom Inspectors.

    They have no interest whatsoever in what type of gun you happen to be using, how powerful it is or where and when it was manufactured. These "gas soldiers" will install both decibel meters and gas detectors to ensure that other shooters do not pull shots due to the sudden, loud, and lets face it usually stinky gas emissions from any offending shooter. Offenders in the first instance are issued with a yellow card. Those ignoring the B.I requirements for a second time during the shooting event are finally issued with, yes, you've guessed it, a brown card.

    At our own club, our local resident vegetarian has been known to pass wind at considerable velocity. It is for precisely these reasons that the "Bottom Inspectors" have been asked to investigate further this and other incidents in the North West region recently. Any habitual offenders will be asked to insert a cork into the offending orifice, and will feature in the B.Ps monthly "bottom shots" that is circulated to local airgun clubs and in the not too distant future the BBC "bottom watch" programme.

    You have been warned!

    Member, the Feinwerkbau Sport appreciation Society (over 50's chapter) Andy, from the North !

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011
    Chorley; somewhere to the SW of I.J. (fortunately)
    kev and willo been interrupting your shooting recently by any chance Andy????
    Nowhere to go no hurry to get there; well I suppose it is somewhere to go.... founded by I.J. - let down by the tainted blood scandal

  3. #3
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
    Hsing-ee is offline may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm, to reduce sinusoidal repleneration
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    Legislation is a course of last resort, and I deplore the deployment of 'bottom inspectors' with their apparatus and officious behaviour. We should all be self-policing gentlemen of honour; anyone passing significant amounts of gas should be taken aside by one of the Seniors and given a talking-to. A repeat offence will result in a penalty, such as serving the tea in a pink pinny. Incorrigable chuffers will be sent to Coventry or forced to seal their pants with mastic.

    'Bottom police', poorly paid as they are, are prone to corruption and may be bribed to ignore the guilty and persecute the innocent. There are also clubs - closed down now, all of them - where all the shooters took to bringing ancient hounds onto the firing points with them, so they could re-attribute the blame.

    We are all in this together - lets not get heavy-handed with issue of gas. The answer my friends, is blowing in the wind, the answer is blowing in the wind.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Cambridge UK
    Careful now ... 'tis only examples of dieseling.
    Cheers, Phil

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Might I suggest that the club involves buys a canary?

    Perhaps they could get one on higher perches!
    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.
    Hi Ian,

    This thread reminds me of a 10 Metre pistol competition I shot around 10 years ago after a meal of eggs and cauliflower. I came up on aim and relaxed all my unused muscles in accordance with the best advice on consistent shooting. I squeezed one out and then another, thinking nobody would notice prompting some unkind person to threaten to call the U.N. on the basis he believed he had found the place Saddam Hussein had hidden his WMDs. Somehow he thought they were placed in a part of my anatomy. Apparently one of the rifle shooters had to give up half way through shooting his cards to go outside for some air. I was in my bubble and didn't notice other people's reactions.

    Somehow, I don't think I would make a good vegetarian.


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    An established airgun shooting club (that cannot be named for obvious reasons) has just had a new person apply for membership.

    This new person has an extreme personal hygiene problem that rapidly fills the club with a very unpleasant odour that is so bad that it has caused some of the club members to feel ill and one member to actually want to wretch and vomit. To further thicken the now enriched atmosphere he also seems to have a bad case of flatulence.

    Being a polite club nobody is keen to embarrass said new applicant but they ( the existing club members) have now started leaving early to escape the pungent smell. Others have arrived and left almost immediately after making their excuses ( sudden head ache and not feeling too well being the most popular to date).

    At this moment it is looking like this one new person has the ability to almost empty the club single handed and this could even lead to the club having to fold as with not enough members being present to pay the range fees there will not be enough cash to pay the rent.

    This new applicant concerned has a good selection of expensive target air weapons and would seem to have been around for some time so perhaps he has failed to endear himself to other clubs previously?

    Without being rude or unduly offensive doe's anybody have any suggestions to offer this club on how to politely advise this person that he is not welcome without causing any embarrassment or offence ?
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2010
    'Tis very illuminating "hearing" your own admissions folks. That was a particularly interesting tale about the gassing of fellow shooters John! However, I must advise you all that Hsings recommendation regarding the serving of tea in a pink pinny to fellow none pumpers, sorry, shooters, is in fact at this very moment under consideration by Superintendent Fred Art (Chief Bottom inspector.)

    As for the use of canaries, we already have a couple of those shooters who tend to sing like one when things are not going there way or somebody forgets to put their name on the "who is signed into the 10 metre range" wipe board.

    And Phil, if your guns dieseling make a noise that would be of interest to the B.I, I would strongly suggest ripping the guts out of the offending gun before somebody shops you to Fred and the team.

    Actually, that would make another interesting competition: Who fancies kicking off a "pumping power league."
    Bugger the scores. What matters in this postal league is how rancid the target card happens to niff following the high powered delivery of some bottom gas. We have a couple of shooters at Rivington who are more than capable of scoring a good "PPL" score from their orafaces at both rear end and the mush.

    Anyway, let me know what you think. Lets work it right up those officious Bottom Inspectors (actually sounds quite painful.)

    Member, the Feinwerkbau Sport appreciation Society (over 50's chapter) Andy, from the North !

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2000
    Basingstoke, U.K.


    yep i remember the evening in question at the 10 metre shooting club did make the rest of us laugh after getting over the stink John, but sometimes don't know who is the worst as Millita our dog loves baked beans and she gets a tablespoon now and again. I think her and John go head to head in a competition sometimes.
    At least you know all your body functions are working and well you wouldnt want to die of spontaneous combustion would you wit all the gas build up.

    Last edited by Josie & John; 13-10-2013 at 09:56 AM.

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Tis a bad situation when the future of any club is put at risk due to one person. In this case - it stinks. Pun intended.
    I, personally, have tried to repel members at both clubs with my jokes with little, if any, success to-date. (but I will keep trying )

    May I suggest what I think Rivington Riflemens 'cultural attaché' (and Latin tutor), Kev would say - " **** OFF!" Hes not been known for his diplomacy and some of his tattoo's are spelt right. Well, the ones we can see are.

    Good luck with this problem and stay up wind.

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  11. #11
    Blackrider's Avatar
    Blackrider is offline It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got a Spring
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    "Air Gunning" takes on a whole new meaning !
    “An airgun or two”………

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Two Dyslexics working in a kitchen.

    The first says, "Can you smell Gas?"

    The second replies, "I can't even smell my own name!"

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    In the bad old egg days indoor ranges didn't have air systems to remove dangerous gasses and at best just had fans to spread it about. Now best practice is to have an air scrubbing system that can remove even lead particles. However, these systems cannot stop the silent and deadly from doing its worst at close ranges.

    Even outside ranges can get gassed. The intake of Jenny's bar full egg and bacon french stick breakfast blows off at about eleven on the point; as noticed by a line of inners rather than bulls going five targets down wind of the eruption. Poor butt marking starts at ten, a little earlier, but kept to just one target either side.

    It is even worse with military units which can often be seen shooting in full NBC or at least respirators. Standard military breakfast has cost the tax payer millions as now fighting vehicles have full air conditioning. Paras wanted butt plugs. No longer leaving the canvas flap open at the rear of a 4 tonner is adequate.
    For civilians, then if this thunderous activity continues then the wearing of thick yellow waterproof trousers even on the hottest days of the year may become mandatory on Century range. Traditionalist wanted yellow waterproofs but the practical shooters wanted muzzle brakes and moderators.
    Getting political: there are Liberal Democrats moves, the source of a lot of hot air, for new regulations to be put into the NRA handbook after the results on the Scottish and European referendum results have been published. Labour failed in all their years in office to notice any smell at all; which is surprising when they could have slapped on a 50% tax on rich aromas. Conservative quite like their gamey after dinner wafts and see no reason to ban them at present (they already tried to put VAT on the bacon buttie).

    I say the one who smelt it dealt it.
    Last edited by Muskett; 13-10-2013 at 07:09 PM.

  14. #14
    Blackrider's Avatar
    Blackrider is offline It don't mean a thing, if it ain't got a Spring
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    Perthshire the Heart of Scotland !
    Can the said effect be Chrony-ed ?

    It would be a sad state of affairs if the Culprit got his collar felt for having an A**e H**e emitting a velocity over 12 ft lbs !
    “An airgun or two”………

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2013
    Nr Wigan
    Thought this was another dig at our esteemed secretary when I read the post. You are getting soft Andy.
    By the way, IJ has a very nice little car when I passed him today,

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