I put this post on another forum this morning, just as a thought in another thread about the Alecto. Then decided to pop it on here to see what reasons other people have for getting into shooting. What elements, of shooting turn you on. There are apparently people who buy guns for collecting, but never shoot them.
I was only thinking yesterday about how little I know about lots of aspects of pistols and rifles from the point of view of spec's, prices, maintenance, dates of manufacture etc. There must be loads of personal reasons for doing what we do. I seem to be in the camp of shooters who like the look, feel, but mainly shooting itself. Its the challenge of getting everything under control and hitting exactly where i'm aiming that turns me on. I'm sometimes not sure which gun i'm shooting till I take a second look. I just pick one up that catches my eye and start the process. Funnily enough I do tend to pick up the more challenging guns rather than the ones I know to be "easy" like the HW75. I can spend all day shooting my Gamo AF10 or HW45 which are unforgiving pistols. I dont even use other than Geco .177's pellet wise. As long as we all satisfy our needs we can all have a lifetime of pleasure from our hobby/ sport. ATB. Pete.