Quote Originally Posted by El Garro View Post
Kind of off topic but in the old lead mines around here, they used to get on average around 8 to 10
Ounces of silver per ton of smelted lead ore (galena) . In some mines, a lot more.
It was skimmed off but even though different processes were devised to try and recover it all , I wonder if they got every last bit ?
No problem I like a bit of history yes you guessed it I'm the one who got the silver this lead belonged to my farther who I think got some of it off my mums grandfather. Further back I don't know it's always been in a shed of sorts each thinking it will come in handy one day I was the same well the day as arrived to be used I'm sure it as silver in it as its like a chrome shine still I'll skim it off when I reheat it can't have balls going solid thanks for the history and a possibility that it is a trace of silver in my lead from Frank