As already said.sit and wait.

I do what waylander does.i turn up,sit with my back to the dry stone wall,pour a coffee from the flask,light a cigarette,enjoying the relaxation and time out from everyday life and wait for them to appear.[they usually do and when you get to know your shoot you will know where to expect to see some]

I sit with gun across my knees,safety off,ready to pick them off.i don't bother with camo these real need tbh.they will sit long enough for you to get a shot away.

I went back to springers years ago as I was shooting so many this way with silenced pcp that I never got to finish my coffee and smoke lol

stalking rabbits,crawling on your belly,back hunched over to keep below the walls,hedgerows etc is fine if that's your thing but will be less productive and not so relaxing and often frustrating!

best of luck