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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2014 - Round 8 Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Cool Sussex Interclub HFT 2014 - Round 8 Results

    Hi everyone (again)

    Well …. What a stunning and surprising day in the Hawks’ woods and field. Not many targets in the latter and with very little breeze anywhere; but surely enough to catch some out – yours truly included.

    A good turnout – especially from the MAD crew from Essex (twice as many of them as from some of the Sussex clubs) – met with some of the most pleasant weather we’ve had all year.

    And some very high scores to go with it, topped by our first CLEAR of the 2014 season. Congrats for this go to Chief Hobbit – the one and only SIMMMO. Before anyone asks ….. yes, we did check his card for any signs of unwitnessed/signed alterations

    Here are the scores on the doors. Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you spot anything you think is amiss.
    Firstname Surname Club Class Score % Badge T(eam)
    Andy Simpson Buxted O 60 100.0% Gold T
    Rudy Goldslade Oaks O 58 96.7% Gold T
    Charles Peal Oaks O 58 96.7% Gold T
    Chris Silcock Horsham O 58 96.7% Gold T
    Mike Byford Oaks O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Lewis Hodges Oaks O 57 95.0% Gold T
    Sam Robinson Buxted R 57 95.0% Gold T
    Terry Aiken Oaks O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Eric Bynum Horsham O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Philip Jacobs Horsham O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Steve Light Swallows O 56 93.3% Gold T
    Bob Pattenden Oaks O 56 93.3% Gold
    Geoff Ryder Visitor O 56 93.3% Gold
    Chris Tyhurst Oaks O 56 93.3% Gold
    Simon Vant Visitor O 56 93.3% Gold
    Colin Wilson Visitor O 56 93.3% Gold
    Richard Woods Visitor O 56 93.3% Gold
    Vince Holland Visitor O 55 91.7% Silver
    Alex Larkin Visitor O 55 91.7% Silver
    Nigel Wheal Iden Fern O 55 91.7% Silver T
    Simon Williams Oaks O 55 91.7% Silver
    Barry Blackham Ford O 53 88.3% Silver T
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 53 88.3% Silver
    Justin Roberts Ford O 53 88.3% Silver T
    Anthony Smith Horsham O 53 88.3% Silver T
    Mike Burgess Swallows O 52 86.7% Bronze T
    Jon Fairman Oaks O 52 86.7% Bronze
    Gary Morrison Buxted O 52 86.7% Bronze T
    Steve Noakes Swallows O 52 86.7% Bronze T
    Pat Fitzgerald Ford R 51 85.0% Silver T
    Richard Gallop Buxted O 51 85.0% Bronze T
    Steb Martinez Ford O 51 85.0% Bronze T
    Justin Rayner Buxted O 51 85.0% Bronze T
    Chris Roberts Oaks R 51 85.0% Silver
    Nigel Buchan Buxted O 50 83.3% Bronze
    Gary Friend Oaks O 49 81.7% Bronze
    Jean Greatrex Visitor L 49 81.7% Silver
    Simon Whittick Horsham O 49 81.7% Bronze T
    Gary Chillingworth Visitor R 48 80.0% Silver
    Malcolm Martin Horsham O 48 80.0% Bronze
    Don Berrington Horsham O 47 78.3%
    Vince Guy Swallows O 47 78.3% T
    Alex Noakes Swallows P 47 78.3% Silver T
    Laurence Ray Oaks R 47 78.3% Bronze
    Nigel Tostevin Oaks R 47 78.3% Bronze
    John Turnbull Buxted R 47 78.3% Bronze
    Derek Watson Horsham R 47 78.3% Bronze
    Spencer Bailey Buxted O 46 76.7%
    Kim Lum Swallows O 46 76.7%
    Peter Pacer Iden Fern O 46 76.7% T
    Peter Epps Ford O 45 75.0% T
    Maciek Pajek Horsham O 45 75.0%
    Barbara Pearce Iden Fern L 45 75.0% Bronze T
    Roy Pearce Iden Fern O 45 75.0% T
    Quico Camdea Oaks O 44 73.3%
    Nigel Hammond Buxted O 43 71.7%
    Bradley Hoelger Horsham O 43 71.7%
    Gerry Jellicoe Swallows O 43 71.7%
    Dave Pickett Buxted O 43 71.7%
    Carla Chambers Swallows O 42 70.0%
    Eddie Phillips Ford O 42 70.0%
    Dave Standing Swallows O 42 70.0%
    Phil Moody Horsham O 41 68.3%
    Luke Fletcher Horsham O 39 65.0%
    Bob Morris Ford R 37 61.7%
    Conrad Wells Buxted R 37 61.7%
    John Kirkwood Horsham R 34 56.7%
    Bethan Whittick Horsham L 34 56.7%
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O DNF

    Prize drawer winners today were :

    • Gary Morrison – the £35 cash prize, and
    • Nigel Wheal – the Air Arms goody bag

    Team scores today and cumulatively are :
    Club Round 8 Total
    Oaks 286 2228
    Buxted 271 2105
    Horsham 272 2083
    Swallows 258 2048
    Ford 253 1976
    Iden Fern 235 1734

    Iden Fern were unable to field a full team today, so had 1 card drawn at random from the ‘hat’ to make up the shortfall.

    Oaks take yet another leap in to the distance from any other team and are only likely to be caught if we can lock the gate on their shoot farm … when they’re all IN there practicing on the 20th September

    And finally, today saw the award of two new PLATINUM badges – well deserved and won by :

    Sam Robinson (not there to collect it!), and
    Chris Tyhurst

    Well done, guys.

    Happy and safe shooting to you all ahead of Round 9 at Swallows FTC. In the meantime, I expect a bunch of us will be present at Northall next weekend for the Air Arms ‘do’.

    Last edited by biggles; 31-08-2014 at 06:00 PM. Reason: Gary went boing, not phut
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Crimson Rouge one, Parked in Braintree
    Hi guys,

    great day at Horsham today and well done Simmo :-)

    By the way, i was shooting a springer


    Gary Chillingworth
    HFT Team England 2012 - 2013
    Incompetent writer for Airgunner
    UKAHFT, World and SiHFT Recoiling champ 2017

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Quote Originally Posted by scutter View Post

    By the way, i was shooting a springer
    Sorry Gary. Results amended. Should have known from that score you were boinging

    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2013
    Thanks Hawks for another challenging course (for me anyway). Well done Simmo on your clearance Cricket anyone


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Great fun, well done Simmmy! great clearance with the free stander near the very end.....

    See you all next week chaps! XX

    Up The Oaks!!
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thank you Horsham, it was a superb course.

    Simmo, one word m8....OUTSTANDING!


    Save time, see it my way

  7. #7
    Alegazmoz is offline Southern Hunter Burger Tester
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    "Gary Morrison – the £35 cash prize,"
    . and the begging letters haven't stopped since.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jul 2012
    Quote Originally Posted by Alegazmoz View Post
    "Gary Morrison – the £35 cash prize,"
    . and the begging letters haven't stopped since.
    Yeah sorry about that, awaiting reply,
    joking aside that was a very nice gesture Gary. welldone.
    and a very well done again to that jammy Simpson fella

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton
    Very nice gesture indeed

    Thank you Horsham. Superb course as always
    Thoroughly enjoyed that.

    Congratulations to Mr Simmo

    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Thanks Hawkies for a very enjoyable day, even tho I had to chaperone 2 essex boys

    Cheers Tugg an Simon for the company

    Well done simmmo top shooting matey, we even had a smile in the bus on the way home , well, until he fell out with the satnav

    The Oaks SiHFT Winners 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    DONOT! Let him near a satnav....never you hear!

    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Have to mention 57 with a twangy thing S.A.M. does it again!

    Top shooting for sure!
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  13. #13
    Mog is offline Mog has so much potential but does not apply himself fully.
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    St Hilaire du Harcouët, Lower Normandy/East Sussex
    Hi all, you know what it's like after a couple of bottles of red, you're mind tends to wander off in some strange directions. While still able, just, to subtract one number from another I noticed that The Oaks had a 123 point lead over Buxted. Like a flash of lightning I was back 30 years listening to Al Stewart's 'Russians and Americans' album and for some reason the following verse played over and over again......

    One, two, three.
    That's how elementary it's gonna be.
    Just fine and dandy.
    It's easy.
    Like taking candy from a baby.

    How very apt.

    Up The Oaks

    Nearly forgot, well shot Andy, another chap who knows a little about the effects of red.
    Truttemer Tir Club

    Liberté, Égalité, Fraternité

  14. #14
    Alegazmoz is offline Southern Hunter Burger Tester
    Join Date
    Sep 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Mog View Post
    Hi all, you know what it's like after a couple of bottles of red, you're mind tends to wander off in some strange directions. While still able, just, to subtract one number from another I noticed that The Oaks had a 123 point lead over Buxted. Like a flash of lightning I was back 30 years listening to Al Stewart's 'Russians and Americans' album and for some reason the following verse played over and over again......

    One, two, three.
    That's how elementary it's gonna be.
    Just fine and dandy.
    It's easy.
    Like taking candy from a baby.

    How very apt.

    Up The Oaks

    Nearly forgot, well shot Andy, another chap who knows a little about the effects of red.
    These red wine moments ......
    ...... are they likely to become a regular feature, now you're in the thick of it, so to speak?

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    Many thanks to all at Hawks for a top course and good luck to Steve on the 28th Sept and in raising the dosh in the mean time!

    Well done Andy and welcome back to virtual Mog!
    OAKS - SIHFT Winners 2011, [SIZE=4][COLOR="#FF0000"] 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2015, 2023

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