Quote Originally Posted by slowcoach View Post
Hi all

Anyone else under whelmed by their PCP?

Not in a bad way, the technology and craftsmanship are superb it is just the sheer repeatability that has got monotonous!

I understand these virtues are a blessing when hunting vermin, accuracy, shot placement, lack of recoil are paramount as well as the option of a speedy back up or fresh opportunity shot at your fingertips.

Two months ago bought an absolutely brand new superb AAS510 in .177, fantastic bit of kit all scoped up and ready to roll.

Luckily I've got 70 yards of garden to play in so out of the shed came all the knock down and spinning targets after a long hibernation, set up from ranges of 15 yards to the max, even got a substantial target that takes 12 bore blanks end on that you have to hit the primer through decreasing front plate hole sizes.

I'm almost through the first tin of pellets, and in truth it is getting to the point of why bother?, it's more surprising when something doesn't fall down, spin or whizz or bang!

Trust me I'm not for one minute suggesting I'm super marksman, I get to sit on my fat arse and shoot from a supported position all comfy with a brew and roll ups to hand so not exactly crawling through the undergrowth bent round corners trying to line a shot.

But it has got to the point where the springer's now come out to play, whereby it takes ten or more shots to hit a blank charge at 40 yards or that elusive pea sized spinner at the max and makes me want to do more.

Is it me???

Same. PCP's are boring, springers rule!

Well, for plinking and perhaps targets anyway. I'd always go pcp for hunting however.