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Thread: Trevor Dawson - Ex-BSA

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2012
    Bridgend or Buckinghamshire

    Trevor Dawson - Ex-BSA

    My Uncle Trevor passed away on Monday 8th of December, after a short illness aged 86.

    Born in 1928, and raised in Huddersfield, he spending most of his working life in the Midlands; Trevor belonged to a group of people, who's ranking on the popularity stakes sits only slightly higher than estate agents, traffic wardens, politicians and bankers. As a career accountant he spent decades with Cadburys, rising to the position of Chief Accountant and Financial Director before departing to other corporate roles.

    In his later life, wishing to stay close to his adopted home of Birmingham, he took a position with a resurging BSA, being a board member and Company Secretary until he finally retired aged 73 in 2001.

    It always amuses me that when ever a debate on the peaks and troughs of the British gun industry, bean counters are nearly always vilified, yet of course we need them as much as the innovators and engineers, no company survives if it can't bank a profit, I'm very aware of the time effort and passion he inputted into every minute he spent with BSA and their parent company El Gamo in ensuring new and competitive products made it to the public year on year.

    As a person, Trevor was always a gentleman, I dined last with him in July, where he cheekily kept his baby sister, my 80 year old mother in check, and was as sharp, attentive and entertaining in conversation as always.
    Active beyond his years, he was still being the doting parent and covering the odd bit of chauffeuring for his grandchildren until earlier in the year.

    Almost a mystical figure in my eyes, as a schoolchild in the 1970's he could provide free chocolate, and in my adult life save me a pound or two on my hunting hobby - what more could you want from an Uncle ?

    He is survived by his wife Mrs Corrine Dawson, and Daughter Claire Cheswick.
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  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2006
    That is a very moving tribute. It's interesting to hear the stories of those who worked in those aspects of British business that continue to fascinate the active man (motorbokes, cars and guns). Well done to your uncle for his part in ensuring the continuing survival of a great British brand.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2014
    mountainash, aberdare
    Sounds like a great man, my respects and condolences.

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