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Thread: Airwolf MVT - worst rifle ever?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2008

    Airwolf MVT - worst rifle ever?


    A little advice please. Technical if you think it'd help, or general advice on how you'd proceed if you were me.

    I have a .177 Airwolf MVT. It has never worked properly, despite having been back to Daystate at least 3 times during it's lifetime. I work away from home a lot, and don't shoot the thing regularly. Have taken it out again recently now I'm home for a bit and it's still the same enfuriating piece of excrement it's always been.

    When set at 780fps, it rarely gets above 750. Usually hovers around 730. Sometime throws in a 760.

    I own two Daystate Mk3s, one in .22, and one in .177. The .22 goes from 570 up to 575fps and back to 570 over about 70 shots in single fps jumps. It's metronomic. A perfect rifle. The .177 does similarly. The MVT jumps 40 fps in a single shot. Pathetic performance.

    I can't sell the thing. In writing this post I've earmarked it as blacklisted, and more to the point I'm not enough of a to palm off a rifle this bad onto some poor unsuspecting bastard.

    When the rifle was back at Daystate it had updated software, a new board (I think), and a clean bill of health. A test string to prove it did ten shots at 780. And as soon as it's home and into the field, it messes the bed again.

    Considering this is a £1300 supergun that is consistent outperformed by two £300 rifles, and probably by a bloody catapult, what do you guys think is a realistic way to proceed?

    Send it to them and don't accept it back until it's fixed for good? Use it as a melee weapon?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Personally I would send it back with a letter detailing exactly what the issues with it are, how they show up and that it has been back on multiple occasions but the fault remains.

    TBH If still within the original warrantee I'd demand either a replacement or a refund,
    but I'd have done that if not fixed the first time it went back.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2007
    leeds/wakefield border
    I had an issue nearly 3 years ago with an airwolf but not sure if it was the mct or mvt variant to be honest as within a year or 2 I had 7 due to work commitments then deciding I needed another lol
    I was not happy and let the factory and Tony Belas know I was not happy and they came up with a solution that I was happy with
    Daystate AirWolf MCT .177 with MTC Viper Connect 3 -12 X 32

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Return it

    I Daystate are responsible for this rifle even if it is out of warranty, unfortunately you cannot demand a new rifle due to the time lapse, however the good news is that Daystate (or any other company) are responsible for their products in UK law for 6 years.

    Letters can get "lost" send a polite email outlining your issues and history, send a copy to Daystate's parent company Diana ( you will have to find out their address, it's not the German rifle company), request a response from Daystate as to the best route to address the problem and get you a rifle of merchantable quality.

    I know it's a long way, but due to your ongoing issues, ask for a witnessed test when repaired. Get a local contact if you cannot attend.

    Approach your contact with Daystate in a structured way and document everything.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2009
    I have an FAC mvt in .22 never had a problem I fire air arms field pellets have never cleaned the barrel never had to its always accurate to 5 pence at 60 yards and if I dial in 920fps it will fire at that constantly or 500 fps it will do that the one thing I do is charge it once a month in 4 years of owning I have never had a problem and must have put 30.000 pellets through it .. Does not help you but mine I would not swop or sell

  6. #6
    secretagentmole Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by scottyoungsheep View Post

    A little advice please. Technical if you think it'd help, or general advice on how you'd proceed if you were me.

    I have a .177 Airwolf MVT. It has never worked properly, despite having been back to Daystate at least 3 times during it's lifetime. I work away from home a lot, and don't shoot the thing regularly. Have taken it out again recently now I'm home for a bit and it's still the same enfuriating piece of excrement it's always been.

    When set at 780fps, it rarely gets above 750. Usually hovers around 730. Sometime throws in a 760.

    I own two Daystate Mk3s, one in .22, and one in .177. The .22 goes from 570 up to 575fps and back to 570 over about 70 shots in single fps jumps. It's metronomic. A perfect rifle. The .177 does similarly. The MVT jumps 40 fps in a single shot. Pathetic performance.

    I can't sell the thing. In writing this post I've earmarked it as blacklisted, and more to the point I'm not enough of a to palm off a rifle this bad onto some poor unsuspecting bastard.

    When the rifle was back at Daystate it had updated software, a new board (I think), and a clean bill of health. A test string to prove it did ten shots at 780. And as soon as it's home and into the field, it messes the bed again.

    Considering this is a £1300 supergun that is consistent outperformed by two £300 rifles, and probably by a bloody catapult, what do you guys think is a realistic way to proceed?

    Send it to them and don't accept it back until it's fixed for good? Use it as a melee weapon?
    Try finding an independent accredited service agent, getting them to fix it and then sending the bill to Daystate?

  7. #7
    secretagentmole Guest
    Quote Originally Posted by stryder5 View Post
    I Daystate are responsible for this rifle even if it is out of warranty, unfortunately you cannot demand a new rifle due to the time lapse, however the good news is that Daystate (or any other company) are responsible for their products in UK law for 6 years.

    Letters can get "lost" send a polite email outlining your issues and history, send a copy to Daystate's parent company Diana ( you will have to find out their address, it's not the German rifle company), request a response from Daystate as to the best route to address the problem and get you a rifle of merchantable quality.

    I know it's a long way, but due to your ongoing issues, ask for a witnessed test when repaired. Get a local contact if you cannot attend.

    Approach your contact with Daystate in a structured way and document everything.


    I thought Minelli owned Daystate not Diana!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket launcher View Post
    I have an FAC mvt in .22 never had a problem I fire air arms field pellets have never cleaned the barrel never had to its always accurate to 5 pence at 60 yards and if I dial in 920fps it will fire at that constantly or 500 fps it will do that the one thing I do is charge it once a month in 4 years of owning I have never had a problem and must have put 30.000 pellets through it .. Does not help you but mine I would not swop or sell
    As above,no have just acquired my friends .22 MVT FAC, I shot it with my FX Airgun 16 grain pellets and stupidly accurate, and I also have the MCT in sub 12. Never had an issue with this either, apart from when it was picked up from the RFD as it had been stored for a while and had to send this off, but I put that down to the RFD....

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2013


    Quote Originally Posted by secretagentmole View Post
    I thought Minelli owned Daystate not Diana!

    Minelli are owned by Diana, along with Brocock and others.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    May 2014
    I had problems with my Daystate Airwolf MVT when I brought it new, it went back to the factory 3 times before it was perfect. A friend of mine brought the same model and had similar problems with the barrel/accuracy.
    Daystate will sort this gun out for you and it is worth the wait.
    In my experience, since the last time it was back (4 years ago) it has been 100% reliable and accurate, including a few 10 shot 14mm c-t-c groups at 50 meters, usual accuracy at this range is sub 20mm 5 shot groups, all day long.
    The adjustable power in 1 fps increments is brilliant for fine adjusting of holdover ranges with mildot scopes.
    This is my most accurate close to medium range "off hand" rifle due to the almost instant "lock time" giving tight groups.
    We shouldn't have to go through these ordeals when buying a new gun, it completely shatters your faith in the manufacturer.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    May 2010
    If no response from Daystate, I would ring Dave at Staffordshire Custom rifles for some advice.

    He's an ex Daystate employee and I believe Daystate sometimes sub out work to him.

  12. #12
    Murphy is offline Cooee! Chase me you naughty boys!
    Join Date
    Aug 2003
    How is the accuracy on it ??
    Master Debater

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2014
    Quote Originally Posted by scottyoungsheep View Post

    A little advice please. Technical if you think it'd help, or general advice on how you'd proceed if you were me.

    I have a .177 Airwolf MVT. It has never worked properly, despite having been back to Daystate at least 3 times during it's lifetime. I work away from home a lot, and don't shoot the thing regularly. Have taken it out again recently now I'm home for a bit and it's still the same enfuriating piece of excrement it's always been.

    When set at 780fps, it rarely gets above 750. Usually hovers around 730. Sometime throws in a 760.

    I own two Daystate Mk3s, one in .22, and one in .177. The .22 goes from 570 up to 575fps and back to 570 over about 70 shots in single fps jumps. It's metronomic. A perfect rifle. The .177 does similarly. The MVT jumps 40 fps in a single shot. Pathetic performance.

    I can't sell the thing. In writing this post I've earmarked it as blacklisted, and more to the point I'm not enough of a to palm off a rifle this bad onto some poor unsuspecting bastard.

    When the rifle was back at Daystate it had updated software, a new board (I think), and a clean bill of health. A test string to prove it did ten shots at 780. And as soon as it's home and into the field, it messes the bed again.

    Considering this is a £1300 supergun that is consistent outperformed by two £300 rifles, and probably by a bloody catapult, what do you guys think is a realistic way to proceed?

    Send it to them and don't accept it back until it's fixed for good? Use it as a melee weapon?
    Agreed....this rifle is now unsaleable. To save you any further frustration and out of the goodness of my heart (festive reason, goodwill to all men blah, blah) I'll let you send me the gun and we'll say no more about it.
    Honestly, no need to thank me!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Northwich cheshire
    Hi I have had a .177 daystate mvt for about 5 years now from new, when I first got it the barrel was fitted with the wrong grub screws and pivoted back and to everytime I put it down on its side, It took me a couple tins of pellets and I bought a new scope before confirming it was the rifle, I spoke to daystate and they knew all about the issue and they told me the wrong type of grubs screws were fitted( pointed rather than cupped) by an employee, they sent me the grub screws to fit myself, disappointed for a brand new £1250 rifle, I to have been having these inconsistencies with the power, the power not setting to what I have dialled in, and the fps jumping around like a yo yo, I have spoke to daystate and they said it needs servicing and resetting, the price was very steep, needless to say with Xmas and other expenses I cant afford it, so I have spoke to a number of daystate approved gunsmiths and I have been told they would not touch the mvt as it needs to go to daystate to be plugged into there computer,
    Not happy, I have a very expensive rifle sitting under the stairs that I can't afford to maintain, so I am now using a air arms s410 and hw77.
    My advice to everyone stay away from electronic rifles, gets expensive

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2013

    Daystate electronics

    Quote Originally Posted by jim caffery View Post
    Hi I have had a .177 daystate mvt for about 5 years now from new, when I first got it the barrel was fitted with the wrong grub screws and pivoted back and to everytime I put it down on its side, It took me a couple tins of pellets and I bought a new scope before confirming it was the rifle, I spoke to daystate and they knew all about the issue and they told me the wrong type of grubs screws were fitted( pointed rather than cupped) by an employee, they sent me the grub screws to fit myself, disappointed for a brand new £1250 rifle, I to have been having these inconsistencies with the power, the power not setting to what I have dialled in, and the fps jumping around like a yo yo, I have spoke to daystate and they said it needs servicing and resetting, the price was very steep, needless to say with Xmas and other expenses I cant afford it, so I have spoke to a number of daystate approved gunsmiths and I have been told they would not touch the mvt as it needs to go to daystate to be plugged into there computer,
    Not happy, I have a very expensive rifle sitting under the stairs that I can't afford to maintain, so I am now using a air arms s410 and hw77.
    My advice to everyone stay away from electronic rifles, gets expensive
    No need to send to Daystate for computer interface, they are available to gunsmiths if they care to buy one, if I remember around £250. So you would think any approved Daystate service centre should have one?

    The electronics are not the problem, the issue is one of QC at point of origin.

    Jim PM me and I may be able to help you with your rifle, you are not too far away.

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