Quote Originally Posted by digitaldwarf View Post
any one got any tips on staining a beach stock before oiling ?

money is tight and i would rather spend the money on the action and improve the stock myself

PS: i want the new gun now not the 6 week lead time the manufacturers have quoted
Staining beech stocks is alwys tricky. A crucial point to remember is to totally remove the existing polyurathane finish first. I find scraping to be the most productive way of getting most of it off, followed by a light sanding with 240 grade aluminium oxide paper. CCL Gunstock Stain is the one I use most, diluted 2 parts water to one part stain. Mop on the stain mix to give an even coverage. Let the stock dry thoroughly then gently flat the wood back with 320 grit paper until you have a silky finish. Repeat the coating with the stain, dry and sand with 0000 grade steel wool. Repeat the staing process if you want it darker, alternatively just damp the stock down again then dry and burnish with the wire wool. To finish I use CCL grain sealer - 2 coats then burninsh and finish with your choice of oil.

Good luck - al it takes is patience