I am a little concerned by some feedback I have received. One person who's opinion I respect said that this video missed a couple of things and could be dangerous. Now everyone else who has seen the video has had no concerns over the content although I will admit that the lighting and my video work leaves something to be desired. I would be mortified if I put a video on the web that was dangerous and I am sure that in the video I stressed the importance of keeping the profile of the sears as they are. The process shows only some very brief polishing using the finest of grits etc. The trigger goes back together as it should and works as it should - and I might add that it feels pretty damned smooth! The only thing I didn't show was the final setting of the trigger to my preferred pull etc - so I am stuck as to what I have missed.

If anyone can give me a bit of a heads up on this I would be most grateful as if I decide that these videos are in any way dangerous they are gone.