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Thread: Is it AGW or SMK or am I going mad...?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Is it AGW or SMK or am I going mad...?

    Well I've got to that age when you start to doubt your faculties here is what's causing me some puzzlement.
    I don't know how you read your AGW, but I always take the time to skim it the moment it arrives through the door noting items of strong interest. As soon as I get the chance I then read those items in depth. Having done that, the next time I pick up the mag is to cover the items that don't have such a strong interest for me, as I know I'll still gain something from them.
    I was at this stage when I was reading in September's issue about the inimitable Phil Price's review of the SMK CP1/CP1-M pistol. One of the paragraphs that stuck in my mind was, and I quote "[I]One of the first things I noticed about these guns is that they have the cocking bolt on the correct side!"[I] The bolt is on the left side to make it easier for right handers to cock it. A logical place I thought, and there are photos of the pistol to show just that.
    So what happens next is that having read the article I then turn a couple of pages and lo and behold.....I find a full page advertising SMK's CP1 and CP1-M pistols. Except now the pics are showing the bolt as being on the RIGHT side; right as opposed to left, not right as opposed to wrong. I skim the ad and then go back to Phil's article to see where I had missed the bit about interchangeable bolt........nothing.
    So who is right? And is right wrong? Or is left right? Or am I wrong......or left in limbo? I hope you're as confused by now as I am.
    Last edited by Shootfish; 29-08-2015 at 01:36 PM. Reason: Spelling mistake

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Near Bude
    This used to happen all the time when magazines were still using slides, but now everything is digital so

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Birmingham England
    You aren't mistaken and it isn't just a mirrored photo. There are versions with the bolt on each side. Mine is the smk version and has it on the left side (looking from the rear).
    I believe others are different. (The imported or earlier non-smk versions perhaps?)
    As far as I know you don't get to actually choose which side (yet?) But I think that they (Snowpeak) have manufactured both left and right handed bolt versions. If you Google for images you will come across both.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Cambridge UK
    Yes ... I noticed that as well. I did send a note / question off to AGW asking about the apparent twins. I have not had a direct personal reply but maybe the issue will be resolved / revealed in the next edition of AGW.
    Personally I prefer a right hand bolt for right handed shooting. I find it quite natural to transfer the pistol to my left hand, cock and load with my right hand, pass back to right hand for shot. No problem.
    Cheers, Phil

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2011
    In addition to the above the bolt in the article is different to that in the advert. Also the article is a page further on than that given on the index page. I just thought it was an additional spot the difference competition!!!!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    As I understand it, they originally had the bolt handle on the right side. Some still do. Some now have it on the left.

    SMK may be using an old photo in their ad.

    It doesn't help that this thing is sold here by about five different distributors, who may all be selling minor variations of the same gun under different names.

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