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Thread: Carbontec LG300XT

  1. #1
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    Walther Carbontec LG300XT

    I have been looking for a nice LG300XT Carbontec air rifle for some time now but never thought to mention it in the most obvious of places until now - here on the BBS and on the Target/Competition shooting section.

    Although I know they are only a regular LG300XT in a different stock, I think they look really good and would like to own one if I can find one. Some time ago I had the chance to buy one but lost the contact details when my old computer went down!!

    If anyone has one of these or knows of one for sale anywhere please let me know.

    There is no rush but I have put the cash away that I have gathered from selling some of my other rifles and pistols for when I find one in good condition and at the right price.

    There must be some out there somewhere - sadly I just missed another one on an online sales site. It was in Sandback (Cheshire) so quite close but the advert expired before I found it

    One day..maybe..
    Last edited by zooma; 30-11-2015 at 10:24 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  2. #2
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    Although I understand that the Carbontec rifle has the same LG300XT action that I am familiar with I would like to hear from anyone who has owned or shot one to find out if it actually "feels" any different to shoot.

    As far as I am aware there is no real weight saving over the regular LG300XT Alutec and in fact the laminated wood LG300XT Anatomical may be both lighter in weight and more adjustable !

    This would suggest that the Carbontec was purely an optional stock choice that just gave another alternative to the various alloy colours or wooden stock choices the LG300XT range had to offer.

    My reason for wanting one is because I think they look superb and I like the LG300XT action - even if the Carbontec has no practical advantages over any of the other stock options that were made for the LG300XT.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  3. #3
    RobinC's Avatar
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    As you know we have conversed on this subject, but as its an interesting one I thought I'd do this in public so others can see. Although I am a confessd Walther-phile, I have no commercial connection with them, but I do have long term friends and personal connections to the factory in Ulm going back 40 years. I have not shot one, but I have worked on one and handled one, and I've drooled over the dismantled and strung on wires one in the Walther museum!

    Walther are a company that has always pushed the boundaries of technology to get advantages, their target guns although as mass produced as their competitors are also closer to being hand built, their bread and butter business is not target guns so they are less constricted, and they treat the target ranges as a prestige part of their business.

    The carbontec was an attempt to stretch technology a tad more. The overal weight is also a little of a red herring, the trick which Walther has seen some while back (others have missed) is that the lighter a rifle can be in every aspect including the stock is better, as it allows much more scope for the correct location of weight addition with in the rules to gain a better ballance and feel. The principle of a stock as a long item( so having a wide ditribution of weight) is that as long as it is as stiff and strong as it needs to be the lighter the better as weight can be added where its best.

    The carbontec stock was to take this principle as far forward as possible. It worked, but there were problems. To Walther, not their customers!

    The single biggest one was that a stock needs to be very accurate in its locations to other components, the system attachments, i.e. the bedding, carbon is not an easy material on which to get accurate dimensioning, the stocks were made by a specialist company for Walther and I have been told that Walther rejected four out of five received! As it progressd the cost of the stocks also exceeded what Walther could charge for them.

    But performance wise they are great, the vibration deadening is better than alloy or wood and they are of course beautifully ballanced when weighted correctly, the vibration deadening threw up a minor issue in that I have been told that they can produce tempermental results on Scatt (but then Scatt is tempermental any way!).

    They were used by several top class shooters most notably Peter Sidi (Hungary) who has won medals in more than ten World Cups with one, and has a PB of 600 ex 600 with one, although I believe he has just gone over to a new Walther LG400 Alutec. The one I've worked on is used by a top class UK Junior, its a superb rifle, and will be competitive with current technology for many years.

    With their new in 2012 LG400 Alutec Walther superceeded the Carbontec, the new alloy stock is as close to the Carbontec weight as is as worth bothering with, is easier to make, and the LG400 action has taken recoiless to the next stage, so vibration is not an issue.

    The Carbontec is now obsolete, but as a most asthetically beautiful rifle that works at the highest level it will live on, and it will stand up as a step forward in the sport, Walther can be proud that they stretched the boundaries with it.

    Carbon is still used in stocks by several manufacturers, they are used in smallbore .22rf target rifles and in my favourite event, 300 mt, where they are used on some 6 mmBR target rifles, but in those vibration damping is an advantage, and the ones I've seen all have embedded alloy to bolt onto the systems, and they are blindingly expensive!!
    Good shooting and have fun,
    Last edited by RobinC; 02-12-2015 at 12:10 PM.
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  4. #4
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    Thanks for that short potted history of the LG300XT Carbontec - although it was a fairly short documentation it was concise and did include a lot of good information about the subject of my current hunt and as always your knowledge of all things Walther remains unsurpassed .

    Although the new LG400XT has superseded the LG300XT and has taken the Walther match rifle to a new higher level of excellence I still love the elegance of the Carbontec and would be delighted to find one and enjoy using it as well as probably spending far too much time just looking at it and cleaning it

    Anybody seen one recently?
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  5. #5
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    A Benchrest Variant of the Carbontec.

    I have just seen pictures of an even rarer Walther Carbontec - the special Benchrest version!

    Until I was shown the Walther Carbontec advertising brochure By Robin C. last night I had no idea they made a specific Benchrest variant of the Carbontec.

    After some suggestions from Robin is became apparent that this version could easily be adjusted for use in the freestanding position but of course would still be great to use for its intended purpose as a Benchrest rifle as well.

    This does help me insomuch that if I should find a Carbontec Benchrest variant for sale anywhere (at a price I can afford) I now know that it would also be a very usable rifle - and not just a beautiful piece of "eye candy".
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  6. #6
    RobinC's Avatar
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    There are some out there so I'm sure you will find one. The tastiest one I ever saw was a special built by Walther sports services department as a one off prize to be raffled at a World cup in 2015, It was a Carbontec with Blue carbon, and all else silver with an LG400 system, hmmmmmmm, drool!!!!
    I know some have been built into FT rifles, but as a precision target enthusiast I consider that as blasphemy!

    I have always fancied building a LG400 special using a Carbontec stock and Bob has reawakend that idea, so come on you guys, there must be some out there?

    Last edited by RobinC; 22-02-2018 at 11:28 AM.
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobinC View Post

    Walther are a company that has always pushed the boundaries of technology to get advantages, their target guns although as mass produced as their competitors are also closer to being hand built, their bread and butter business is not target guns so they are less constricted, and they treat the target ranges as a prestige part of their business.

    With their new in 2012 LG400 Alutec Walther superceeded the Carbontec, the new alloy stock is as close to the Carbontec weight as is as worth bothering with, is easier to make, and the LG400 action has taken recoiless to the next stage, so vibration is not an issue.

    The LG300 Carbontec is a thing of beauty but as you say the LG400 has superseded it in terms of performance and for my money the blue laminated wood stocked LG400XT Anatomic version is every bit as good looking, and has a more adjustable stock as well.
    Last edited by zooma; 30-01-2016 at 01:45 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  8. #8
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    Never give up on your dream!

    Many years ago I was offered a brand new Carbontec that came with more new MEC and Centra option parts than you could shake a stick at - all of them still in their original packaging and never fitted to the new rifle.

    This amazing collection of a new XT300 Carbontec match rifle and a mass of new associated parts left a huge impression on me, and even though I was still pistol shooting at the time I decided that "one day" I when I had some more cash I would try to find a Carbontec and buy it as a thing of beauty that I would enjoy owning.

    Fast forward a few years and I now shoot rifle a lot more than pistol ("Arthur" has helped to enforce this situation) and my desire to own a Carbontec has never wained - but I have not been able find one. I came close a few times but every advert I chased found that the Carbontec in question had been sold already!

    Yesterday I went to see a collection of rifles that had been put up for sale locally and one of the black hard cases had the familiar Walther logo printed on it and inside it was a Carbontec in superb condition! After all the years of looking for one world-wide here was one right on my own doorstep!

    There was never any doubt that I was going to buy this Carbontec and with it came a cardboard box full of "parts for the Carbontec" that I did not look into until later last night.

    When I got home I took a good look at the Carbontec and it looked like it had never been shot! Some of the parts were in the wrong place and only finger tight so I adjusted the rifle to fit myself and put everything in the right place so I can take it to RMTC tonight and take my first shots with it.

    Later I looked inside the cardboard box and there seemed to be a striking similarity between the contents of this box and the array of option parts I had seen laid out all those years ago when I saw a Carbontec for the very first time.

    Curiosity took over, and following some research I was able to confirm that this was the very same rifle I had seen all those years ago!

    How this new collection of parts has remained together all those years is as surprising as the apparent lack of use the rifle has had from new - and I am now one very happy Carbontec owner!
    Last edited by zooma; 20-02-2018 at 05:04 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  9. #9
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    Congratulations Bob It's always a great feeling when perseverance pays off.

    Hope you shoot well with it !

  10. #10
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    Can we have some links to pictures please Bob?

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by trick cyclist View Post
    Can we have some links to pictures please Bob?
    Sorry I don't know how to get pictures to display on BBS ( I found it easy when we had the new temporary BBS site) but I can email some pictures to you and if anyone can get them added to this post I would be happy to see them on this thread!

    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  12. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mark D View Post
    Congratulations Bob It's always a great feeling when perseverance pays off.

    Hope you shoot well with it !
    Thanks Mark,

    It has taken a long time for my dream rifle to come along, but knowing the cruel way the world can work I suspect that it will be a bit like waiting for the proverbial No 4 bus - and after such a long wait a few more Carbontec rifles will be coming along very shortly!

    If one of them is a Carbontec Bench Rest model it could become a very expensive month for me.

    I doubt it would be possible to find another in the same condition as this one but I would be happy to be proven wrong, and I would also be happy to offer a good home to "any old Carbontec" that should come my way - but I am not holding my breath!

    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  13. #13
    wellhouse0 Guest


    congratulations on your find Bob, it must be very exciting getting your hands on something you been looking for for so long. Hope she 'goes' as well as they look, all the best with your find!

  14. #14
    RobinC's Avatar
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    Come on Bob,

    Don't be greedy, If any more come along spread them about! I'd still like just a stock, even a scruffy one, so I can build my ultimate Carbontec LG400 special!

    Now you've achieved your Holy Grail, you have the Carbontec and a Goldie, what's next?

    You do know Walther will build specials, see on their website and their facebook site, the Meister Manufaktur department.

    I love the burr walnut LG400 alutec style rifle, we were there last September and Pam drooled over an LG400 Alutec in Gold with Swarovski Crystals!!! that they were building, yes really!!! We were lucky to get out with only ordering a purple tube with her name on for her KK500!

    But Walther have been making specials for years, special air brush paint jobs, in recent years, one each year for a raffle prize for charity at the German Championships, or the German World Cup. One of the most stunning was an Alutec (I think an LG300) airbrushed in the Bavarian Flag design, blue and white lozenges, it was stunning. There were others, and I think the Anniversary Gold one was initially a one off special done for a prize. But my favourite was a blue Carbontec with an LG400 system, simply gorgeous!

    Now these went as raffle prizes, so they are out there, and probably will be sold one day.

    Must remember to check e gun every week!
    Have Fun
    Best regards
    Walther KK500 Alutec expert special - Barnard .223 "wilde" in a Walther KK500 Alutec stock, mmm...tasty!! - Keppeler 6 mmBR with Walther grip and wood! I may be a Walther-phile?

  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by RobinC View Post
    Come on Bob,

    Don't be greedy, If any more come along spread them about! I'd still like just a stock, even a scruffy one, so I can build my ultimate Carbontec LG400 special!

    Now you've achieved your Holy Grail, you have the Carbontec and a Goldie, what's next?

    You do know Walther will build specials, see on their website and their facebook site, the Meister Manufaktur department.

    I love the burr walnut LG400 alutec style rifle, we were there last September and Pam drooled over an LG400 Alutec in Gold with Swarovski Crystals!!! that they were building, yes really!!! We were lucky to get out with only ordering a purple tube with her name on for her KK500!

    But Walther have been making specials for years, special air brush paint jobs, in recent years, one each year for a raffle prize for charity at the German Championships, or the German World Cup. One of the most stunning was an Alutec (I think an LG300) airbrushed in the Bavarian Flag design, blue and white lozenges, it was stunning. There were others, and I think the Anniversary Gold one was initially a one off special done for a prize. But my favourite was a blue Carbontec with an LG400 system, simply gorgeous!

    Now these went as raffle prizes, so they are out there, and probably will be sold one day.

    Must remember to check e gun every week!
    Have Fun
    Best regards
    I would need to try and save any future Carbontec discoveries from you as they would be stripped and have the stock re-fitted around an LG400 mech - and that would be sacrilege

    Lets hope the next one that turns up is a bench-rest type as I know you have no interest in converting one of those (or at least I hope you don't)

    Actually a Carbontec stock with an LG400 mech in it would be a lovely piece of kit to own - it is such a shame that it is not possible to buy a stock on its own - but I know the reasons why!

    With the advancement of time it would probably be more cost effective for Walther to have carbon stocks made now than it was then as the industry has moved on and with several years more experience the reject rate should be a lot lower - hence more cost effective to produce!

    I know you "have the ear" of the top brass at Walther, so why not suggest they re-visit the carbon fibre stock idea for use with the current LG400 mech?

    You can place an advance order for two - and let me know when we can collect them!!!! ld grin:

    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

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