Quote Originally Posted by Carlleyland View Post
I had not thought of upgrading Tornado...thats not a bad idea but I dont want to get the 77 or the Osprey wet (soppy I know) so I was thinking of using plastic.

The baiting tip is excellent, the bloody thing seems huge....how long do they live? Maybe he is old and will die off soon - I hope
So there's your answer, the '77' or the 'Osprey' it is then, now all you gotta do is choose which one and no it ain't 'soppy' as you put it, none of my rifles have ever intentionally seen a rain drop in there lives (bar getting caught out) and yep the bait is a damn good idea, I'd do it on the QT over a few days and he'll soon get to cock sure of himself and that's the time to nail him !...👍