Very many thanks Charles, for kindly undertaking to run this event, ably assisted by others. May I add just a couple of ‘extras’ to smooth things along?

As many cars as possible will be accommodated in the usual woodland car park. Some cars may have to be parked further along the road (if there are more than around 40). Should this occur, a marshal will be on hand to assist with directions to the alternative car parking.

Tea and coffee will be available (free of charge but voluntary contributions gratefully received). We are also indebted to Jax and her helpers for kindly agreeing to provide catering for the event. Very many thanks for that!

The course is now set (2016 rules) and (I hope) will be both challenging and rewarding. I would like to record here my gratitude to those Horsham members who gave generously of their time and sheer hard work today, in assisting to re-set this UKAHFT-compliant course from the ‘hunter series’ format used just a couple of weeks ago. There was an awful lot of hard work to do. The club is indebted to you all.

We at Horsham are looking forward very much to hosting this event and to seeing everyone there.

Very best wishes,
