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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2016 - Round 7 Results

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Sussex Interclub HFT 2016 - Round 7 Results

    Hi everyone

    Well …. That was a long day after a couple of even longer days, but I hope you all enjoyed it. Not a specially difficult course and a few ‘lost’ points won back after 3 targets (lanes 3, 16 and 20) got pulled for which I apologise. Guess Swallows FTC needs to visit the target shop to replace some of our aging Knockovers. Pleased to say that NOT among the ‘pulled’ lanes were a few of our very ancient handmade jobbies, produced long before there were any commercial targets.

    On the plus side the breeze across the water saved day as far as a string of clear rounds might otherwise have been achieved. And for the rest of the competitors, I heard of many new PBs providing a welcome morale boost.

    BIG thanks go to the small but very special crew from Swallows and another to all those visitors who helped set up our dining area and the practice range and helped again after the shoot was over with deconstructing the courses. Extra thanks to Wurz and Jacks (Jax?) and their hounds for preparing great grub for our breakfast and lunch.

    Entry number for the day was back up to a very healthy 70 – or was it 69 or even 68; ‘admin’ seemed to be a tad confused by the two people shown on the results list below both recorded as Did Not Finish. Do either of you recall booking in? No cards found whichever.

    Here is the full set of results …..
    Firstname Surname Club Class Score Hscore % Badge (T)eam place
    Mike Burgess Swallows O 59 59 100.0% Gold T
    Vince Holland Maldon O 59 59 100.0% G T
    Sam Robinson Buxted O 59 59 100.0% G T
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O 58 58 98.3% G T
    Mariusz Morzuch Visitor O 58 58 98.3% G
    Charles Peal Oaks O 58 58 98.3% G T
    Chris Silcock Horsham O 58 58 98.3% G T
    Mike Byford Oaks O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Steven Haworth Meon Valley O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Adam Longhurst Buxted O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Justin Rayner Buxted O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Andy Simpson Buxted O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Simon Vant Maldon O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Simon Whittick Horsham O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Simon Williams Oaks O 57 57 96.6% G T
    Gary Chillingworth Maldon O 56 56 94.9% G T
    Ian Clark Maldon O 56 56 94.9% G T
    Lewis Hodges Oaks O 56 56 94.9% G
    Philip Jacobs Horsham O 56 56 94.9% G T
    Steb Martinez Ford O 56 56 94.9% G T
    Maciek Pajek Horsham O 56 56 94.9% G T
    Stuart Tennent Meon Valley O 56 56 94.9% G T
    Nick Byrne Meon Valley O 55 55 93.2% G T
    Roger Dibbens Buxted O 55 55 93.2% G T
    Alex Larkin Maldon O 55 55 93.2% G T
    Kevin Maw Buxted O 55 55 93.2% G
    Justin Roberts Ford O 55 55 93.2% G T
    Vince Guy Swallows O 54 54 91.5% Silver T
    Kevin Hills Buxted O 54 54 91.5% S
    Steve Miller Meon Valley O 54 54 91.5% S T
    Justin Parrott Meon Valley O 54 54 91.5% S T
    Roy Pearce Iden Fern O 54 54 91.5% S T
    Chris Roberts Oaks O 54 54 91.5% S
    Don Vickers Meon Valley O 54 54 91.5% S
    Kevin Wickson Buxted O 54 54 91.5% S
    Carla Chambers Swallows O 53 53 89.8% S T
    Richard Chase Ford O 53 53 89.8% S T
    Pat Fitzgerald Ford .22 53 53 89.8% G T
    Abigail Maw Buxted J 53 53 89.8% G
    Mike Seagrave Meon Valley O 53 53 89.8% S
    Derek Watson Horsham R 53 53 89.8% G T
    Nigel Wood Buxted R 53 53 89.8% G
    Terry Wrigley Meon Valley O 53 53 89.8% S
    Barry Blackham Ford O 52 52 88.1% S T
    Ali James Meon Valley O 52 52 88.1% S
    Phil Moody Horsham O 52 52 88.1% S
    Neil Parrott Meon Valley O 52 52 88.1% S
    Nigel Tostevin Oaks R 52 52 88.1% G
    Terry Trott Meon Valley O 52 52 88.1% S
    Barbara Pearce Iden Fern L 51 51 86.4% G T
    Jean Greatrex Maldon L 50 50 84.7% G
    Glen Turner Ford O 50 50 84.7% S
    Nigel Buchan Buxted O 49 49 83.1% Bronze
    David Henderson Meon Valley O 49 49 83.1% B
    Bob Morris Ford R 49 49 83.1% S
    Gary Morrison Buxted O 49 49 83.1% B
    Ramon San Juan Horsham O 49 49 83.1% B
    Ivan Edmiston Buxted O 48 48 81.4% B
    Sophie Smith Horsham L 48 48 81.4% S
    Mick Phillips Meon Valley O 47 47 79.7% B
    Paul Somerville Meon Valley O 47 47 79.7% B
    Alasdair Ridley Swallows R 46 46 78.0% S T
    Shaun Willson Oaks O 46 46 78.0% B
    Anthony Smith Horsham O 45 45 76.3% B
    Roddy Pettit Swallows J 44 44 74.6% B T
    Dan Hawes Iden Fern R 43 43 72.9% B T
    Karina Pajek Horsham P 43 47 72.9% S
    Don Berrington Horsham O DNF
    Tom Keene Meon Valley O DNF

    Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you spot anything you think is amiss.

    No fewer than a further 5 new Platinum badges won, for winning a 5th Gold … by Andy Simpson, Phil Jacobs, Steve Haworth, Stu Tennent and Simon Williams. Only Phil was around to collect his; would you others please remind me when we next meet. Remember that they’re FREE!!

    Prize drawer winners today were :

    • Derek Watson – the £35 cash prize, and
    • Aaron Friend – the Air Arms goody bag

    Team scores today and cumulative points for Rounds 1-7 are:
    Club Round 7 Points
    Oaks 287 80
    Buxted 285 71
    Maldon 283 55
    Horsham 280 59
    Meon Valley 276 71
    Ford 269 54
    Swallows 256 47
    Iden Fern 247 39

    Iden Fern required 2 lucky-dip cards to make up for the shortage of team members.

    Happy and safe shooting to you all ahead of round 8 of the 2016 SIHFT, which is in two weeks on the 7th August at BUXTED – shown here in bold text as the venue represents another shift in our calendar.

    Last edited by biggles; 25-07-2016 at 06:00 AM.
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton
    Thank you Swallows.
    Very enjoyable course which could not quite be beaten
    Nice to see you back Sam
    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2007
    Crimson Rouge one, Parked in Braintree
    Cheers guys.

    Brilliant day, loads of fun everything I would expect from Swallows.

    See you all next weekend.

    HFT Team England 2012 - 2013
    Incompetent writer for Airgunner
    UKAHFT, World and SiHFT Recoiling champ 2017

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Thanks all at Swallows and admin on the day!!


    Great day with Simmo and S.A.M. though, just didn't do it justice ha!

    Spongetastic XX
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Thanks Mike & Team, your efforts setting the course really is appreciated I'm sure by all competitors today.

    Great place to shoot, love the lakes course especially.

    Congrats to all the top scorers.

    See you all next weekend @ MAD National or the next SIHFT @ Buxted on 7th August.

    Cheers all,

    ISP Airstream MKIII No33 in a Tilly Walnut Stock

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2009


    Many thanks Swallows for a most enjoyable morning shoot. Had a great day with a new P.B thanks to Aaron for the company and to nick with his weird sence of humour !!!!! I say no more.
    Just because I'm shooting mad in the .22 class does not mean I have sold my ftp900. @@@@@@ lol

    Have a good week.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thank you for all your hard work Swallows, all that blood and sweat was worthwhile

    I couldn't believe the strength of the wind along the bank of the lake.

    I take my hat off to your 59 Mike, how you managed that while organising and marshalling the event is beyond me. Just out of interest, which one did you miss?

    See you all at Buxted.

    Save time, see it my way

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2015
    Missing - presumed having a good time
    Weird sense of humour??? That's rich coming from someone who openly admits to drinking Bailey's Cream Liqueur!

    A hugely enjoyable day, and big thanks to Mike and the crew for making it happen

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)
    Quote Originally Posted by Herp View Post
    Thank you for all your hard work Swallows, all that blood and sweat was worthwhile

    I couldn't believe the strength of the wind along the bank of the lake.

    I take my hat off to your 59 Mike, how you managed that while organising and marshalling the event is beyond me. Just out of interest, which one did you miss?

    See you all at Buxted.

    Can't recall the exact number - across the lake somewhere around peg 9 to a target partially obscured by a piece of board on its right side. Breezy and gave it a dot of wind, aiming just off the wooden board. Actually needed nearly a dot and a half. Charles shot it after me and wind died - he was able to take crosshairs on. Doh!

    Hey ho. Maybe next time
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    25mm kill @ 35yds just over from memory... I did the same thing.....
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    East Grinstead
    Many thanks Swallows for all your hard work. Very much appreciated.
    Best wishes on behalf of everyone at Horsham,

  12. #12
    Join Date
    May 2005
    Nr Worthing, W Sussex
    Yup, great course. My boots and I had a great time.

    Well shot Mike!

    Booty Boy.
    You come into this world with nothing, go out in debt and you've made a profit

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Apr 2006
    Morden, surrey
    Had a blast... laughed the whole way round the course...

    Must concentrate next time.. that course had new pb written all over it and I failed...
    Life looks better through a scope!

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Cheers mike and the rest of the swallows team cracking mornings shooting as always. Cheers to graeme for the company top shooting mate. Big thanks to wurz and jax for the top tucker and beverages also.

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