Quote Originally Posted by PaulR View Post
I've got both calibers and cannot tell the difference in "feel" when firing them. I find this applies to all of my Webleys as I have various examples - Premiers, Seniors and Mk1s in both sizes.

Aiming as distances increase is a different matter.
Nor can I, but I appear to be pretty insensitive to recoil levels.

What I do know, on a statistically irrelevant sample if the four I currently own, is that the Webley with which I have shot best groups is a .177". The second best is a .177". The other two are .22"s, and are markedly less good.

You could argue this is in some way a function of 5.6mm bores and modern ammo. But my .22" BSA Scorpion is really accurate with modern ammo....

So, as above, my hunch is they are often better in .177". But it is only a hunch. Proof would require a thousand pistols to be fired at length by Olympic-level shooters over a sustained period.