It is very nice to have such a range just round the corner, I wish I could visit more often.
I promised myself this year i'd get out of the back garden and down to Atherton indoor range for some proper shooting. Air rifles kinda came up in conversation with a mate of mine before Xmas , who's never shot anything before, so I booked half a day off work for us both to go.....
How chuffing awesome is it! The downstairs range was busy so we got taken up to the 70yard range, went at half 1 and only left at 5 as I had to pick my daughter up from nursery! Nearly a full tin of pellets between us went downrange, and I was even managing to hit the bell targets at every distance right up to 65 yards! Well impressed!
Needless to say we're going back, can't wait!
It is very nice to have such a range just round the corner, I wish I could visit more often.
i think theres only one problem with gets too busy because of how good it it !
Does it get manic at evenings and weekends?
Just had a look on the website....looks to be just whats needed around the entire country
Smile! is the day you worried about yesterday. :-)
Supanova II Weymouth....
great range friendly people they even have Yorkshire tea makes me feel at home go straight to the range and don't stop at the pole dancing club wich is next door
Ah, think he may be talking about the players lounge........
Which is actually a snooker and pool club
No, next door is a pole dancing club That's what my eyes were like
Polish folk dancing can be a bit risqué these days by the sound of it!