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Thread: A few questions about scopes

  1. #16
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    East Sussex, Nr Rye
    Rifle combinations that generally look right shoot right.
    Sporting rifles with a brick on top don't look right and so don't handle right.

    Open sights can get solid hits way out, so can low mag scopes. All the rest is to nat shoot. For low powered air rifle shooting then shot placement is critical on live quarry and that is the limitation. Shoot to the range where the limitations are within ethical grounds.

    Not space science.

  2. #17
    Join Date
    May 2015


    Finding a jack of all trades has a constant pain in my butt for a while now sadly I have a medical condition that plays hell with my eyes one day they are 100% next day trashed. My right pupil tends to stick open and when that happens it at first makes you fell like you are having a stroke not pleasant at all.

    Even worse when shooting as you know when it dark you pupil opens as wide as it can to get in as much light as it can. So sticking the eye to a scope on a sunny day is shall we say painful.ive tried glasses nope waist of time. Tried left hand shooting nope not happening.

    What I've done is to take a red glass cover out of a torch not great but it works.

    When the eyes are working I continue my mission of finding the right scope I find high mag are heavy low mag light but not good out at range, I shoot sub 12 lbs Fac air and centre fire.

    I did find a no name Chinese scope with no markings at all on it a few years back cost £20 and boy it was perfect good at long range great at short range a keeper sadly it died a very painful death when some nutt job drove his artic into my car.

    I have moved to side Paralax adjustable scopes now they appear better than fixed ones and seem lighter.

    If any one can recommend a light weight scope that would work on all types of weapon systems I'd be over the moon.

    When serving I had a great scope on my SA80 you could do bugger all to adjust it but by heck it worked. Unfortunately getting one in civi street is not easy lol

  3. #18
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by saifbsk View Post
    I use a variable focus one but only on one setting like yourself.
    I would happily buy one that has one focal length for 10x and as you say it will have a better optical properties.

    However many scopes are used for hunting purpose where having a variable magnification is useful, maybe the scope manufacturers are trying to appeal to multiple users by adding in as much feature as possible (whether they are useful or not on all scope is another story)
    A fixed mag optic should in theory have better optical properties than a variable mag one mainly due to the much lower number of lens elements being required. This should atleast result in a brighter image , due to lower light loss within the lens elements , and a cleaner sight picture due to less element induced aberraions. i am not a fan of fixed parallaxed scopes though.


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