Right, I now have an early model 75 to work on to build the replica, its the right stock and trigger guard, but there are some diferences from the Ladies original Original.

It's serial number 012830, anyone know when this dates from?

It has an adjustable foresight, but the wife is insistant that her original one had metal elements, she has never (ever, even now she uses metal elements in her modern rifles) shot with plastic elements or an adjustable one, and looking at this one, I would have remembered if I'd either converted it, as it would have needed special elements or the complete tunnel changing and that is not straight forward. Hers was a very early one, early 1977, does any one know if they made the early ones with a different foresight tunnel, perhaps utilised the one from the 66, but I thought that was a dovetail? On the only picture I have its not clear, but it does not look like the adjustable tunnel fitted to the one I have.

If you have a 75 with a standard element foresight tunnel I'd be interested to know?

Another bit evident from the picture is the tacky black plastic on the side slots, its just plain wood, does any one know when thay started adding the black bits?

Any clues would be much appreciated.