They were hyped and sold hard at the time as British. Quality was there, quirkiness too, but sadly added nothing to basic spring power that could be got from more standard format guns. If it couldn't equal a HW77 then it was never going to be a winner... so it failed. As said some were produced in the States from bankrupt machinery.

Anyhow they are worth collecting, well having one really good example. A few were done in very nice walnut. Quality built but a Theoben betters them. They are not an engineering feat like an Air Logic, or Park. There are enough out there not to warrant any real premium, and as very average shooters there is nothing gained from being a good rifle.

Mint in box walnut then £320. Anything else in freefall. Used then as a fun gun £150. For some reason people think they are worthy as a collectors premium; they are not. Nor the American ones.
Well thats my angle on them.