Quote Originally Posted by SRV1 View Post
What makes this rifle one of the essential collectors Holy Grail of air rifles so desirable? Why do we go weak at the knees and empty our wallets of hard earned cash to lay our hands on one? Even near scrap rusty examples, or parts, can only be afforded by local council execs. Why do they command such high prices? Rarity? History? Quirky looks? A technical innovation of its time? It is not as if it is so significant in its purpose or design that warrants it as an icon of its time, or is it? Whilst anything has a meaning and a desirability to the eye of the beholder, and quite rightly so......But why is it so desirable? Can anyone convince me it is the Holy Grail of air rifles and I need to but one? What will it do for me? Will I be happy, but, poorer? How would I treat it? Is it meant to be used, but then, the fear of some breakage could be very costly? Are they fragile? Are they robust? Should it be in a glass cage? Do they need to be in a climate controlled environment? Do they really work? Which of model of them is the most collectible? Why? Why? Why? How many Relums or Gamos could I buy for price of a good Service Mk2?

Best regards to all......
Silly boy you can not compare Relums and Gamo, to Webley mk 2 sevice just look at the history of them they are superb well made rifles in three main series although they go up abit higher.A collectors dream to a good many but some people would disagree, every one to his or her
own preference.