Quote Originally Posted by SRV1 View Post
Mmmm....interesting thread. I have a Mk2 0.22 which is very much indistinguishable from mew, complete with the ASI Sport sticker and a Mastersport sticker. It is such a beautiful piece of wood and metal I am afraid to use it! Call me mad - I know I am mad, but, the pleasure of holding it is beyond words....and to think when I am dead it might be used and abused? I don't suppose I will know about it as there may be alternative attractive interests in the other world.....

Keep on cocking, but, I can't with this one, she is too nice.....

All the best to all.

Like you I bought a mint 127

I was amazed by its accuracy at long range. I was wary about damaging the finish and so 3 weeks later I bought another that had a few marks on the stock and put the mint one away as an investment
The second 127 is just as accurate as the first one and will group as well as many good .177's at 50 yds

I have owned a 124 for some time and all 3 are keepers.
These FWB's are so easy to cock, load and shoot. Great rifles