Quote Originally Posted by Peter Dunkley View Post
I just remembered I did a little none scientific test on a bit of new clean bare steel a couple of years ago. it was posted on another forum. I was on temporary leave from this one at the time!

Steel was new and clean. Samples were applied with a cotton bud and rubbed well in. Test piece was on my shed roof laid flat for about five days I think. It rained and we had heavy dew," Sept". The test really proves nothing and it is what it is. These were the products I had to hand at the time.

Left to right- Bare steel.- Eddes red, a home brew shotgun barrel cleaner.- Bisley gun oil.- 3in1 oil.- ACF50.-
-Ballistol.- WD40.- Renaissance wax.
Well 2 do stand out, WD40 is one of them.