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Thread: Sussex Interclub HFT 2017 - Round 1 RESULTS

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Newhaven, Sussex (someone's got to live here)

    Cool Sussex Interclub HFT 2017 - Round 1 RESULTS

    Hi All

    Hope you enjoyed your first visit to Swallows FTC’s new home; in spite of the lack of a lake and water to shoot over, we certainly had good feedback from you. In place of wet stuff, we now have a few more trees available to ‘play’ with when course setting.

    Great turnout today which, having checked the files right back to our first year in 2008, was a record entry of 96.

    My apologies for the lack of wind – it seemed to be there and yet hardly moved a pellet all day. Certainly didn’t move my one on the long shot from the wood in to the field. Dammit!! This fact did not fluster our two ‘special’ people – those clearing the course; one of which dared to do so with a gun which goes boing. Well done to you both and I was delighted to issue a pair of our Clear Round badges.

    Here is the full set of results ….. For any of you new to the SIHFT or have just forgotten, the column headed "Hscore" shows where extra points have been added to competitors in the Primary Class (age under 14). These only count where that 'bonus' brings the younger member into their club's Team position; it's not reflected in their recorded %age. A full set of the SIHFT rules are available via your club's 'captain' or me if you wish to have your own copy.

    Name Club Class Score Hscore % Badge T(eam)
    Gary Chillingworth Maldon R 60 60 100.0% Gold T
    Anthony Smith Horsham O 60 60 100.0% G T
    Steve Edmondson Maldon O 59 59 98.3% G T
    Mike Burgess Swallows O 58 58 96.7% G T
    Mike Byford Oaks O 58 58 96.7% G T
    David Henderson Meon Valley O 58 58 96.7% G T
    Ali James Meon Valley O 58 58 96.7% G T
    Justin Rayner Buxted O 58 58 96.7% G T
    Chris Tyhurst Oaks O 58 58 96.7% G T
    Tony Archer Iden Fern O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Nigel Buchan Buxted O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Kevin Catt Meon Valley O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Vince Guy Swallows O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Steven Haworth Meon Valley O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Kevin Hills Buxted O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Ewan Hobbs Iden Fern O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Philip Jacobs Horsham O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Kevin Maw Buxted O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Charles Peal Oaks O 57 57 95.0% G T
    Rick Bowell Iden Fern O 56 56 93.3% G T
    Finn Cochran Maldon O 56 56 93.3% G T
    Roger Dibbens Buxted O 56 56 93.3% G T
    Aaron Friend Oaks O 56 56 93.3% G
    Jean Greatrex Maldon L 56 56 93.3% G T
    Bob Pattenden Oaks R 56 56 93.3% G T
    Stuart Tennent Meon Valley O 56 56 93.3% G T
    Spencer Bailey Buxted O 55 55 91.7% Silver
    Jill Cochran Maldon O 55 55 91.7% S T
    Dan Hawes Iden Fern O 55 55 91.7% S T
    Maciek Pajek Horsham O 55 55 91.7% S T
    Justin Roberts Ford O 55 55 91.7% S T
    Geoff Ryder Maldon O 55 55 91.7% S
    Chris Silcock Visitor O 55 55 91.7% S
    Russ Conner Buxted O 54 54 90.0% S
    Adam Longhurst Buxted O 54 54 90.0% S
    Steb Martinez Ford O 54 54 90.0% S T
    David McCathie Maldon O 54 54 90.0% S
    Steve Miller Meon Valley O 54 54 90.0% S
    Steve Noakes Swallows O 54 54 90.0% S T
    Paul Somerville Meon Valley O 54 54 90.0% S
    Kevin Wickson Buxted O 54 54 90.0% S
    Nigel Wood Buxted R 54 54 90.0% G
    Lisa Bowell Iden Fern L 53 53 88.3% G T
    Jon Fairman Oaks O 53 53 88.3% S
    Kim Lum Swallows O 53 53 88.3% S T
    Wes Micklethwaite Oaks P 53 57 88.3% G T
    Phil Moody Horsham O 53 53 88.3% S T
    Derek Watson Horsham O 53 53 88.3% S T
    Simon Whittick Horsham O 53 53 88.3% S
    Rex Bennett Maldon R 52 52 86.7% G
    Bill Chaplin Maldon O 52 52 86.7% S
    Tom Keene Meon Valley O 52 52 86.7% S
    Jon Newton-May Buxted O 52 52 86.7% S
    John Turnbull Horsham O 52 52 86.7% S
    Greg Wilmshurst Swallows O 52 52 86.7% S T
    Richard Chase Ford O 51 51 85.0% S T
    Mike Cripps Meon Valley O 51 51 85.0% S
    Daisy Dibbens Buxted J 51 51 85.0% G
    Anthony Leonard Iden Fern R 51 51 85.0% G
    Roy Pearce Iden Fern O 51 51 85.0% S
    Mark Rackley Ford O 51 51 85.0% S T
    Abigail Maw Buxted J 50 50 83.3% S
    Jon Kelly Buxted O 49 49 81.7% Bronze
    Richard Nightingale Oaks O 49 49 81.7% B
    Dave Pickett Buxted O 49 49 81.7% B
    Don Vickers Meon Valley O 49 49 81.7% B
    Carla Chambers Swallows O 48 48 80.0% B
    Gabriel Hobbs Iden Fern P 48 52 80.0% G
    Trevor Palmer Buxted R 48 48 80.0% S
    Andy Simpson Buxted O 48 48 80.0% B
    Nigel Tostevin Oaks R 48 48 80.0% S
    Elliot Lee Oaks J 47 47 78.3% S
    Gary Morrison Buxted O 47 47 78.3% B
    David Pullen Meon Valley O 47 47 78.3% B
    Chris Roberts Oaks O 47 47 78.3% B
    Roddy Pettit Swallows J 46 46 76.7% S
    John Herbert Oaks O 45 45 75.0%
    Steve Micklethwaite Oaks O 45 45 75.0%
    Dave Rushman Oaks O 45 45 75.0%
    Stewart Elstone Buxted O 44 44 73.3%
    Keith Paddington Horsham O 44 44 73.3%
    Alasdair Ridley Swallows R 44 44 73.3% B
    Sophie Smith Horsham L 44 44 73.3% B
    Connor Leonard Iden Fern P 43 47 71.7% S
    Dave Standing Swallows O 42 42 70.0%
    Doug Falcon Oaks R 40 40 66.7% B
    Barbara Pearce Iden Fern L 40 40 66.7% B
    Eran Jolley Buxted P 39 43 65.0% B
    Jason Lee Oaks O 39 39 65.0%
    Ally Stewart Oaks L 38 38 63.3%
    Chris Petken Buxted O 37 37 61.7%
    Eddie Phillips Ford O 36 36 60.0% T
    Sue Chambers Swallows L 35 35 58.3%
    Phillip Lazari Swallows .22 34 34 56.7%
    Graeme Cargan Oaks O DNF
    Charlie Grey Ford O DNF

    Please let me know a.s.a.p. if you spot anything you think is amiss. Have I misspelt any of our newcomers names? Have I put you in the wrong class? Let me know if you spot anything wrong. A BBS PM or email should do the trick.

    Prize drawer winners today were (I think – could be wrong) :

    • Alasdair Ridley – the £60 cash prize,
    • Anthony Smith – the £36 cash prize, and
    • Eran Jolly – the Air Arms goody bag

    With an amazing 3-way tie for top spot, Team scores today and points won are :
    Club Round 1 Points
    Maldon 286 12
    Oaks 286 12
    Meon Valley 286 12
    Buxted 285 9
    Horsham 278 8
    Iden Fern 278 8
    Swallows 274 6
    Ford 247 5

    Happy and safe shooting to you all ahead of round 2 of the 2017 SIHFT, which is in two weeks’ time on the 14th May at Ford.

    Last edited by biggles; 30-04-2017 at 05:33 PM.
    Rapid MkII .22, AA400C .177, AA MPR .177, AA Prosport .177, AA TX200, AA FTP900, HW75 .177, HW45 Silver Star .22, and my dear ol' Webley Ranger .177 (circa 1966) Mile Oak - WEB SITE Air Arms HFT Team member

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    shoreham by sea
    Well done to everyone who shot today! great location to start off the SIHFT season
    Last edited by WesM; 13-05-2017 at 08:10 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2011
    East Grinstead
    Very many thanks to the guys at Swallows for a great morning's shooting. What a lovely new ground! Well done to Gary and Tony for their clearances - some other great scores out there today! Thanks once again to all those who make these events such a success. It really is a fantastic competition; great fun and great company.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    portslade near brighton
    Yes, great fun, first time out for a while, loved it, beautiful woodland setting!!


    Were Buckshed there today??...
    SIHFT Winners 2011 - 2012 - 2013 - AND 2014....2015..2016...oh look back at green...running out of colours! Ha!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Thank you Swallows for a most enjoyable day's shooting. You have found a cracking new ground. Even the parking was civil, I'm sure the great leader (Captain Cut Throat) will have nothing but praise for its uniformity

    Thanks to Maciek and Justin for the competition, it was good fun.

    Congratulations to Anthony and Gary for their respective clearances. Clearing with a PCP is something special but to clear with a springer is out of this world! Stunning!

    See you all at Ford.

    Save time, see it my way

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    A lovely new venue for the Swallows club and lots of potential!!! Thanks Mike and all your helpers for putting on a great course for us!

    Well done Gary and Tony for your clear rounds - especially Gary with his springer!

    Thanks to Charles and John for your company, laughter and banter round the course.

    A great start to the SIHFT series, may it continue in that way!!


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Mile Oak :) Brighton
    Absolutely gutted I couldn't make this!
    Sounds like you lot enjoyed yourselves!
    Wes, 53?? Boom! And a team score!!!!
    Last edited by si7777777; 30-04-2017 at 07:27 PM.
    The OAKS
    SIHFT WINNERS 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 and 2016

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2013

    Cool Swallows Bluebell Shoot

    Brilliant new venue guys, and more than a few happy faces with PB's today.

    I think the "Swallows Bluebell Shoot" should always be the first date in the Sussex Interclub HFT calendar every year, what a lovely start to the series.
    "Carpe Diem" That clear rounds got to happen one day

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    SIHFT Best Series Going

    A big thanks to all at Swallows for the course and the cooks.
    Also Charles and team for scoring etc.
    Great shoot great venue.
    See you all at Ford.
    "If you are not living on the edge you are taking up too much room!."

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2009
    Haywards Heath
    Fantastic venue, had a great mornings shoot.
    Are there any photos of the day? I completely forgot to take some

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Was Spongy not there today, couldn't find "Simpson" and I scrolled down quite far ?

    M.A.D for it.
    Team England 2019

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
    Was Spongy not there today, couldn't find "Simpson" and I scrolled down quite far ?

    If you keep scrolling and scrolling and scrolling you will eventually find him
    Save time, see it my way

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Haywards Heath
    Quote Originally Posted by DreamGenie View Post
    A lovely new venue for the Swallows club and lots of potential!!! Thanks Mike and all your helpers for putting on a great course for us!

    Well done Gary and Tony for your clear rounds - especially Gary with his springer!

    Thanks to Charles and John for your company, laughter and banter round the course.

    A great start to the SIHFT series, may it continue in that way!!


    An absolute pleasure to have enjoyed the bluebells with you and you gave me hope that normal PCPs can still deliver.

    Oh and a great laugh with our gentleman guider. How many gins?

    Falcon Lighthunter (.177),Air Arms S400 (.22),Weihrauch HW98 (.177),Hatsan 55S (.177), TH78D (.22) & a 2240 (.22)
    "The Oaks" SIHFT Winners 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015 & 2016

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    Buxted County HFT Republic of Crowzilla Sussex
    Quote Originally Posted by Rift View Post
    Was Spongy not there today, couldn't find "Simpson" and I scrolled down quite far ?

    Made me laugh(how do you spell runt again?)Thanks. Great to see Chilly shooting his weight just a pity you couldnt enjoy the drive home with him.

    Buxted HFT Garage Guns are Us. Home of Crowzilla Doppers doughnut corner and SiHFT winners 2007 2008 2009 2010 2017 2018 2019.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2010
    Cheers guys stunning new venue you have congrats gary and Tony on the clears

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