Surely this has been done to death before!!

In England & Wales it is an offence without lawful authority or reasonable excuse to
discharge any firearm within fifty feet of the centre of a highway which consists of
or comprises a carriageway, and in consequence a user of the carriageway is
injured, interrupted or endangered
. [Section 161(2) of the Highways Act 1980 as
amended]. It is important to remember that the discharge of a firearm is not
prohibited in itself. It must also be proved that there was an injury, or that
someone’s passage was interrupted or interfered with e.g. they have been forced to
make a detour.
For the purposes of Section 161 (2) of the Highways Act 1980 (as amended), a
‘highway’ is restricted to a public right of way for the passage of vehicles and does
not include footpaths, cycle tracks or bridleways