Never heard of either of those points failing to be honest. 52 is well engineered so doubt it's an issue.

On the side vs under I have both a 52 and 430. Of the two I prefer the 430 for the light weight but I got a Tony Leach short stroke and sleeve on the 52 which is just night and day. If it wasn't for the sentimental attachment I'd get rid of the 52 but as that's not going to happen the 430 will get a tune and then I'll either get a new 430L (with no foresight) or a 440TH if one ever turns up.

If I was going to recommend anything it would be the 430; it's lighter than an HW77 and more tuneable. The T06 trigger is very nice as well though I've not had a good chance to sort out my T01 on the 52.