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Thread: 6 yard MPL Postal Competition Rules.

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby

    6 yard MPL Postal Competition Rules.

    The MPL Rules have not changed - but just in case you are new or have not see them before I have dug them up again and show them below:-


    There will be no changes to the rules or the entry fees and we will continue to run a competition for .177 MPL air pistol and another for .177 MPL air rifle .

    The Supported Air Pistol competition will also continue again this season. This competition is for .177 spring powered, SSP. CO2 or PCP air pistols.

    LATE ENTRIES - will always be accepted - AT ANY TIME.


    1. Six targets need to be shot each month with 5 shots on each = total possible score of 300 ex 300.

    2. All pistol targets are to be shot single handed (unsupported) at 6 yards by the shooter himself or herself.

    2a. All air rifle targets have to be shot from the free standing position at 6 yards with no supports.

    2b. Supported Air Pistol Shooting entries can be shot from the seated or standing position but ONLY the base of the pistol grip may touch the rest ( see the BBS thread on Supported Air Pistol Shooting for more details).

    3. The targets can be shot at any time during the month, but it is the shooters responsibility to ensure the scores are emailed to the scorer:- before the end of each competition month - or as soon as possible if you are running late or enter the competition late.

    Submit your score in the format as shown below:-

    P.Smith (smiffee) June 2013. 38 + 34 + 37 + 41 + 44 + 39 = 233. GAMO Centre. Hobby pellets.

    Please send your scores by the end of each month to

    4/.You should keep your cards safe for 2 months after they are shot as some may be requested for random checking. Any requested cards should be posted to us, and if they are not available they will be given a zero score.

    5/. Anyone who scores a perfect 50 ex 50 and would like to show it off should take a picture of the card and send it to so we can see how it should be done!

    6/. To avoid any time wasting, any challenges for a disputed score must be accompanied with a cash payment for £10. This will be refunded in full in the event of a successful challenge, but donated to RMTC funds if unsuccessful.

    OVERSEAS ENTRIES ARE WELCOME. The entry fee will be the same but the postal cost to deliver the entry pack will be charged at the appropriate rate - PM zooma or PhatMan for more details.

    The competition is open to anyone who can shoot the cards to the appropriate MPL rules as described here. The scores should be emailed to the address provided at the end of each month

    Russ will kindly compile them for you all and display them here on the BBS so you can see how things are going for you each month


    1. The pistol competitions will be shot on 6 yard Air 8 targets, the rifle competitions will be shot on 6 yard Air 7 targets.

    2. All the targets required to complete each 6 month series will be provided in the entry pack.

    3. Spare Air 8 and Air 7 targets will be made available to purchase from us if required for practice. Bulk target supplies are available from the NSRA.

    4.Competition targets must have the supplied stickers fixed to them prior to shooting so as to clearly differentiate them from any regular practice cards that you may have.


    1. PISTOLS. Any single shot .177 spring powered or SSP air pistol that complies with the main MPL rules will be eligible for this competition - if in doubt, please check the main MPL rules. Original manufacturers open sights only - no other type of sight is permitted.

    1a. SUPPORTED AIR PISTOL. Any type of single shot .177 air pistol ( including CO2 and PCP) can be used to shoot in the Supported Air Pistol competition.
    Original manufacturers open sights only - no other type of sight is permitted.

    1b. RIFLES. Any single shot .177 spring powered or Single Stroke Pneumatic air rifle with "open sights" or dioptre sights can be used in this air rifle competition. Telescopic sights or any other form of optical aids are banned.

    1c. GASSER RIFLES. There will be no 6 yard competition for CO2 or PCP air rifles with us this season.

    1d. GASSER PISTOLS. There will be no 6 yard competition for CO2 or PCP air pistols with us this season EXCEPT in the Supported Air Pistol Class where any .177 single shot air pistol can be used.

    2. Only semi-wadcutter (flat nosed) pellets should be used to give clear cut holes in the Air 8 and Air 7 targets. Round nose pellets will not give a clean enough cut to permit clear scoring, and cards that cannot be scored clearly should be given a zero score.

    3. BB's and any pellet other than .177 calibre are specifically banned from this competition.


    1. Six targets need to be shot each month with 5 shots on each = total possible score of 300 ex 300.

    2. All pistol targets are to be shot single handed (unsupported) at 6 yards by the shooter himself or herself.

    2a. All air rifle targets have to be shot from the free standing position at 6 yards with no supports.

    2b. Supported Air Pistol Shooting entries can be shot from the seated or standing position but ONLY the base of the pistol grip may touch the rest ( see the BBS thread on Supported Air Pistol Shooting for more details).

    3. The targets can be shot at any time during the month, but it is the shooters responsibility to ensure the scores are emailed to the scorer ( before the end of each competition month - or as soon as possible if you are running late or enter the competition late.

    Submit your score in the format as shown below:-

    P.Smith (smiffee) June 2013. 38 + 34 + 37 + 41 + 44 + 39 = 233. GAMO Centre. Hobby pellets.

    Please send your scores by the end of each month to

    4/.You should keep your cards safe for 2 months after they are shot as some may be requested for random checking. Any requested cards should be posted to us, and if they are not available they will be given a zero score.

    5/. Anyone who scores a perfect 50 ex 50 needs to take a picture of the card and send it to email] and so you can show off and we can see how it should be done!

    6/. To avoid any time wasting, any challenges for a disputed score must be accompanied with a cash payment for £10. This will be refunded in full in the event of a successful challenge, but donated to RMTC funds if unsuccessful
    Last edited by zooma; 19-11-2018 at 10:03 AM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    When does the next round begin? I fancy having a go at this

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2015

    Very soon.

    I am have been very busy at work, and haven't had any spare time.

    I hope to have the details for the Autumn/Winter MPL 2017 out this Saturday (22-Jul-2017) :

    Have fun

    Best regards


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Feb 2016
    Hi Russ

    Count me in for the Pistol & Rested Pistol again!



  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Following recent enquiries for details about the MPL rules I am giving them a "bump" to save writing them all over again.

    Added to these are the Supported Air Pistol and Supported Air Rifle classes ( like all other MPL competitions they are shot at the traditional British 6 yards distance for convenient "home range use"). These two new classes are based on the ISSF rules (see link below) but used at 6 yards.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks for posting these. What height does the target have to be in the MPL ?, also my current 177(80k) doesn't fit as it is scoped, so looks like i need a new rifle...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2012
    I always thought the BBS competitions needed a club official/scorer's signature on the cards, I must be getting confused with something else - probably just old age...

    How do I sign up?
    Too many guns, or not enough time?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by Modski66 View Post
    I always thought the BBS competitions needed a club official/scorer's signature on the cards, I must be getting confused with something else - probably just old age...

    How do I sign up?
    The MPL is an independnt competition that I drew the rules up for and started several years ago to encourage the use of classic airguns that need physical effort to prime the air gun as opposed to storing the energy in a tube ! Some of the previous BBS articles on this are worth digging out as they make interesting reading and nothing much has changed over the years.

    Spring powered and single stroke pneumatics drop nicely into this "self powered" category and examples of both types can be bought new or used at very reasonable prices ( when compared to PCP for example).

    This has the effect of making things "affordable" and very equal for those that felt they could not compete fairly against those with deeper pockets in any of the other competitions that existed at the time, so it has worked very well on this front too as well as being considered by many as encouraging newcomers into the sport of target shooting.

    More recently (in recent years ) we have been privileged to use the good services of the BBS to enable the competition to be extended as a postal competition to enable anyone to take part from home or anywhere they can find a safe 6 yard distance to shoot in. Since then, we have also enjoyed the support of some that also shoot at clubs and at 10 meters too so it really can be enjoyed by all.

    I designed the competition to enable those with no access to a club (distance, handicap etc) who still wanted to shoot air weapons at targets, and I considered the the traditional 6 yard distance as being a lot easier for anyone to achieve at home than the longer 10 meters distance.

    This has also been a great success with competitors shooting in the most unlikely places at home in addition to the more predictable choices of garage, garden, cellar, attic or passageway etc.

    Like many postal competitions, this one also relies on trust and self -scoring and the simple fact that you are only trying to beat your own its score, but also have the chance to compare it each month with other who may well be shooting on an innovative "home range" - possibly similar ( or not) to your own self constructed shooting environment.

    Entering is easy - just bung a tenner (plus appropiate postage if req'd) to Russ (PhatMan) or myself (using the information shown in the rules) to get yourself a pack of 36 targets ( rifle or pistol - please specify) and you are ready to go!
    Last edited by zooma; 07-09-2018 at 06:10 PM.
    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    I'm going to have a look around for a rifle, any suggestions ? i'm going to look at the 30, & 99, though the 30 does look a bit small.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Dec 2014
    The 30 is perfect, lovely little rifle & ideal for 6 meter shooting.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks Neil, i take it you shoot one ?, if i get rained off tomorrow(forecast is for rain)i hope to visit a couple of shops & try both the 30 & 99. I did pick up a 30 with a scope on it, but want to try one with iron sights.
    Regards the 30. if you shoot one, how tall/broad are you ?


  12. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Hi Rob,

    I have an HW30 with the Record trigger and it is indeed a superb and accurate rifle - but a little on the small side for me at 5ft 11 with long arms and a stiff neck!.

    To help overcome this a Bisley adjustable butt plate can be bought for very little money online (less than £20) and is made from alloy and may give you that little extra length to help it fit better.

    To be fair, without a dodgy neck I could probably make this rifle work well enough just the way it comes, and if you buy the version with the Record trigger you will have a superb little rifle.

    Hope this helps,

    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Thanks for the reply Bob,

    Sounds like we are similar, years of injuries cause me issues now, neck & shoulders being one, i like the idea of swopping to the adjustable pad, thanks for the tip.


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jul 2016
    Just got home & i now have a 30...

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Mar 2010
    Rossendale and Formby
    Quote Originally Posted by robthedog View Post
    Just got home & i now have a 30...
    Well done Rob.

    Now give PhatMan a PM to ask what the postage would be for him to send you your 36 target entry pack and you can get started!

    Looking forward to having you in the MPL competition

    Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.

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