I do feel that someone new to airgun accessory and ephemera collection is at much more of a disadvantage these days than people who started many years ago due to the number of 'reproduction' items out there.
Even some items that have been reproduced with very minor 'clues' as to the fact they are repro's would be difficult to spot by the untrained and very well researched eye and even less so if you are not a member of this forum!

Ironically it is collectors that are usually responsible - as they are the ones aware of the rarity and value of such repro's and are in possession of originals to copy.

Whilst I am not accusing anyone here of deliberately setting out to deceive - I DO think that reproduction items should be clearly marked (albeit discretely) that they are reproductions.
When the first buyer buys a reproduction item from the maker - he probably knows exactly what he's buying - what possible reason could there be for denying the next buyer the same opportunity?

Without this the market is open to unscrupulous individuals taking advantage of those new to collecting which is just unfair.