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Thread: Post Office and Royal Mail

  1. #46
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    New Milton, Hampshire
    Quote Originally Posted by Logunner View Post
    And that's RM's fault? Or the CAA's? Or is it just plain old human error?
    I never said it was RM's fault.

    You said RM don't carry it because it's the law. The law allows it. IATA Class 2 compressed gases are sent via air frieght both nationally and internationally.

    It demands certain procedures are followed. Clearly RM don't want to so they don't allow it. It's not prohibited by law it's prohibited by RM. That's completely understandable. It's a specialist area and they aren't fussed about it.

    I don't see a problem with saying RM don't want to do it. What I do is saying that this or that is illegal. That's incorrect otherwise IATA would say prohibited.

    CAA don't set the rules. EASA do. CAA can grant exemptions/approvals for those wishing to carry dangerous goods and carry out the inspection. It applies to the carrier not the shipper. The application forms are on their site for Class 1 and other Classes of dangerous goods.

    I've been through quite a bit of this when TAP decided to start quoting chapter and verse about not maybe carrying airguns/firearms/dangerous goods and I spoke directly with a CAA person at the CAA's dangerous goods dept. TAP were apparently unable to carry certain items without certain paperwork because of the law, which didn't actually state there was a restriction.

  2. #47
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Correction needed

    Quote Originally Posted by derekj View Post
    I have it on excellent account of a senior RM manager that all of Britains mail delivery is now by road and ferry. They only fly the post over seas, naturally. That's not to say that RM don't X ray boxes routinely especially if the sender has said either the wrong thing or too much at the post office.
    Royal Mail do fly Internally .
    Thats the sole reason that X ray is now used .
    And we are still gassing on about this since it all got out in the open - in 2013 .
    Nobody in their right mind would use Royal Mail for anything 'gun'.
    Surface carriage only .

  3. #48
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Just to correct a major point here - RM is FINE for anything from 1st class upwards but the rules on parcel sizes mean you can only send pistols:

    Guns for sporting use

    Guns intended for sporting purposes - including Section 1 (e.g. hunting rifles) and Section 2 (e.g. shotguns) firearms, low-powered air weapons and their component parts - may be sent in compliance with UK law and subject to domestic controls on the possession of firearms. Antiques, deactivated and imitation firearms are also permitted. When sending deactivated firearms include proof of deactivation.

    Items that appear to be prohibited weapons may be subject to additional checks and delays. Please see

    Use 1st Class as the minimum service. The sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on the outer packaging.

    Restricted items
    5.5 There are some items, known as restricted items that we can, for legal or
    safety reasons, only carry through our postal network provided that you The Royal Mail United Kingdom Post Scheme 30 January 2017
    Page 8 of 49
    Mark Waples
    meet all our requirements for the acceptance of the item, including, but not
    limited to, packaging requirements.
    5.6 We will not accept any liability for any item that contains restricted items if
    the requirements for the acceptance of those items are not met.
    5.7 As the list of restricted items and requirements for each can change from
    time to time (see 5.7.15) we maintain a full, up-to-date list on our website

    ( (which can be viewed at any time). The list and
    details quoted below were correct at the time of publication:

    5.7.19 Guns for sporting use (Guns intended for sporting purposes -
    including Section 1 and Section 2 firearms, low-powered air guns
    and their component parts - may be sent in compliance with UK law
    subject to any applicable controls on the possession of firearms Use First Class as the minimum service. The sender’s name and address must be clearly visible on
    the outer packing.

    The terms and conditions have been updated since I checked last year as they had been superseded by the online list, this has now been corrected. What IS of paramount importance is that you NEVER use the leaflet in the Post Office as the old one is well out of date and contains incorrect advice and the updated one STILL hasn't been corrected.

    And, as implied, ALWAYS check online as the T&C's state that is the definitive list.
    Last edited by Squirrelking; 20-07-2017 at 12:44 PM.

  4. #49
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    London, UK
    Quote Originally Posted by Squirrelking View Post
    Just to correct a major point here - RM is FINE for anything from 1st class upwards but the rules on parcel sizes mean you can only send pistols:

    The terms and conditions have been updated since I checked last year as they had been superseded by the online list, this has now been corrected. What IS of paramount importance is that you NEVER use the leaflet in the Post Office as the old one is well out of date and contains incorrect advice and the updated one STILL hasn't been corrected.

    And, as implied, ALWAYS check online as the T&C's state that is the definitive list.
    What is also of paramount importance if you are posting PCP or CO2 pistols or rifles is the "no pressurised vessels even if empty" ruling - makes it a bit of a Russian roulette if you decide to chance it through surface only PF48. With £100 max compensation even more of a gamble.

  5. #50
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Aye, not a huge fan of the gamble myself, sent a few legit CO2 guns with no powerlets but not keen on PCPs. TBH I'd sooner just do RFD transfer and sleep better.

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