I have found this discussion most interesting.

I did not know a new FWB Sport had been introduced but, upon googling this, I then discovered that it appears only to have been exported to the USA market. The comments about the new Sport, on this forum - largely in 2014 - are critical of the new Sport and provide a poor impression of it. I had hopes, for a minute, that my desire to purchase a modern springer could be met by the new FWB Sport.

Back to the 45. My own was produced in 1980. In those days, the 45 was a tad under 12ft/lbs but some, I gather, were a little over. I cannot see how the 34 could have been more powerful - as some have suggested here - unless it was an FAC model. Mine seemed to perform best with Silver Jet pellets (in .177), with remarkable accuracy at 60 yds, albeit they did not produce the best power. I gather those pellets have long been discontinued.

I also had an FWB 127 but, if it came to it, I narrowly preferred the 45. I suspect the FWB obtained support from some because of its better looks. That said, the FWBs seem to obtain a considerable premium on the second hand market, perhaps because fewer were made.

I have never fired an HW80, so cannot compare and contrast. However, judging from the comments here, it seems the old 45 (produced, remarkably, nearly 40 years ago) is preferred by some to the new Diana break-barrels and, it seems, is not far away in quality and ability from the best of the modern HWs. I would certainly buy a new version, were one produced, but would it be up to the quality of the old 45? It would also be uneconomic to produce a new version, given the Diana 34 and 280 are in production.

I shall read further comments with interest.

Rgds to all