Do any of Your guns have rifling in the barrel? If so on a personal level I would only use lead BBs in those that do
Looking at the Accu BB and H&N Excite copper coared lead BB's for use in my Makarov, KEDR and AK. I know they'll work in the Mak, but how do they do in normal BB guns? Do they cycle ok?
Its for reduced ricochet rather than accuracy btw.
Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room
Do any of Your guns have rifling in the barrel? If so on a personal level I would only use lead BBs in those that do
They'll work in most guns but are prone to damage in the magazines. I think they're more trouble than they're worth and not exactly cheap.
Try to sort out a soft backstop and use steel ones instead
Certainly bigger than the steel ones
In my gamo PR15 the gamo lead bb`s are a perfect fit
Steel bbs`s just roll out of the barrel on the same pistol when they feed in from the inline mag
You only have the rights you are willing to fight for
Thanks all, I've ordered a tin and will see what happens. I can single load pellets in te AK which shoot fine, so as long as the mag takes them it should be fine.
Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room
I took all three guns to the range today, the H&N Excites worked perfectly in them all with no rebounds! They're more expensive at around £11 for 750, but they are club-freindly and pretty accurate.
Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room
Nice one.. I'll need to get some for my dad's Mak, which I am custodian of for the moment👌 which brings me to my next question buddy... do you know of a decent fix for sealing the Maks? I have tried the kit from the lad on the other forum, genuine from Russia apparently, but I just can't get it to stay sealed! So annoying having this cracking gun that I can't shoot... it vents the whole bulb from the top of the mag as soon as it's pierced
Is it venting through the exhaust or around the piercing seal? All I've ever done was strip the valve, replace a few bits, clean and rebuild, or replace the capsule seal.
Better to admit you walked through the wrong door than spend your life in the wrong room
Through the exhaust I believe.. it's been a while.. I'll have another go this weekend and see if I can sort it