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Thread: Which 0.177 pellet for competition use

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jan 2016

    Which 0.177 pellet for competition use

    Hi. I have started writing a blog post for pellet selection for HFT.
    I know that every gun/barrel has a different preference etc. What I would like is some statistics on what people actually end up with. Doesn't have to be HFT. Can also be FT or benchrest.

    I was going to make this a poll but the max amount of options was 8 and that wouldn't cover different head sizes etc.
    Thanks in advance

    Personally I currently use Air arms 4.51 but in my new gun they aren't great. I will be doing more testing soon!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2003
    Benched, Steyr Hunting 5 Auto, JSB Exact 4.53.
    Remember, it is the strongest character that God gives the most challenges.

  3. #3
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    Sep 2014
    I see no difference in performance between tins of JSB Exact based solely on the stated head size. I currently have tins said to be 4.51 and 4.53, if there is a difference in grouping it is masked by my marksmanship.

    Better and more experienced shooters than I maintain head size is a very important variable. There is also widely reported data demonstrating I am not alone in realising the only accurate part of the quoted head size is the "4." bit. What I have seen, is particular batch numbers giving tighter groups.

  4. #4
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    Maybe later I'll put a picture up showing the difference on a target between 4.51 and 4.53 through my scoped Steyr, rested. They are all tiny groups of 5 but measured there is a difference. As I've said, the gun was rested so all I had to do was touch the trigger so it more or lees eliminated any errors on my part and being auto indexing I didn't even have to disturb the gun to reload.
    Last edited by vbull; 13-09-2017 at 08:54 AM.
    Remember, it is the strongest character that God gives the most challenges.

  5. #5
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    I've seen differences between air arms 4.51 and 4.52 from an S400. But it seems this can depend on the weather, season and phases of the moon
    I got the chance last weekend to ask some very experienced/good shooters about it. They said head size along with batch numbers makes a big difference to them.
    In my TX200HC I can't see the difference, but that is down to my technique/ability I think

  6. #6
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    Apr 2017
    Tx200 using air arms express 4.52 have also tested the JSB express and they were very similar (believe they are made in the same factory could be wrong though) shooting HFT. Was using air arms fields in 4.52 but the express just takes it with the tighter groups at the longer ranges.
    TX200 Mk3 HW100 HW97

  7. #7
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    Jul 2015

    For me, JSB Express 4.52 have given the best, and most consistent groups from my ultra-short stroked TX200 at ranges 20 to 50 meters.

    They are also the pellet of choice for my other springers (HW95, HW99, FWB300_Not_S (benchrest, 25 yards)) for work >= 20 meters.

    The HWs shoot H&N FTT (4.50) almost as well in the 20 to 50 meter range, but the JSB Express 4.52 is the winner (for me)

    Have fun & a good weekend

    Best regards


  8. #8
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    Mar 2014


    JSB/AA in the Walther Comp Ultra works excellent. Different head size performance in a springer up to 30m is very difficult to determine. I am through 2 springs and many 1000's of pellets on 25m bench targets(the ones the PCP guys use) and I really can't tell the diffs between 4,52 and 4,53. 4,51 may perform different but I've never tried them.
    Last edited by Gsmif; 17-09-2017 at 11:06 AM.

  9. #9
    harvey_s's Avatar
    harvey_s is offline Lost love child of David Niven and Victoria Beckham
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    It's an interesting question, but ultimately a completely movable feast I feel...or only "correct at time of going to press"

    Some pellets produced from one batch or die will be better than another.
    Wear will eventually mean the batches change over time or as another die gets introduced.

    Price pays a part too even for some competitive shooters I know : They know pellet X is better than pellet Y - but are happy to trade off a small decrease in accuracy for a more appealing price (never quite got that one personally given the difference is probably a penny a shot) seemingly in the belief that their level of skill cannot fully utilise the extra accuracy offered by the higher priced item.

    Add in the introduction of the latest 'wonder pellet' and small production variances in even the same model of gun during its lifetime and even differing disciplines and ranges encountered in competition use and any answer becomes both very personal and 'of it's time'.

  10. #10
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    At the end of the day it's up to the shooter. If he/she wants to spend time experimenting with different size heads amongst other things, that's fine. As a C/F benchrest shooter, years back, I along with others constantly searched for anything that would give an edge, anything. Old habits die hard so nowadays, playing around with benched air rifles I'm still looking for ways to shrink my groups so, as I've already said in the previous post, I've found that head size does make a difference, slight, but a difference all the same, not only with the Steyr, but other match rifles as well.
    Remember, it is the strongest character that God gives the most challenges.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2016
    Thanks for all the replies, they will all be useful when I do my write up. I've got 3 weeks of scope posts to write first so unfortunately the pellet post won't be any time soon.

    I managed my first trip to Iden Ferns today (great club btw). I tested my air arms diabolo 4.51 vs 4.52 and as predicted, I couldn't tell the difference. However JSB express were a definite improvement in group size. This is the first time I've tried express and I'm impressed so far. Although it was a very still day so I don't know how wind will affect them yet. (This is with a TX200HC, almost standard internals with just a bit of weight added to the stock).

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