Quote Originally Posted by bozzer View Post
This is why I keep saying 'lottery'.

I found this by chance before I realised it was obvious. I would go to the range several times a week and practice HFT with a springer. I was shooting one day on the range from a HFT steady prone position at my zero range of 35 yards at a card target. I was nailing all the pellets inside a very tight cloverleaf on the bull ( little wind that day ). I decided to shoot at an actual knockdown target which I'd put about 6 feet up a tree and about 3 yards to the right of that card. It had a 25mm kill. I left my legs in the same natural prone position and just swung my shoulders around a few degrees and lifted my front hand up the peg a few inches to get the elevation. I'd expect to hit a 25mm kill HFT prone in still wind all day long. Results ... Miss, Hit, Miss, Miss, Hit. How weird? I went back to the card and back to cloverleaf around the bull. How was I missing that 25mm kill at 35 yards? So I put a card by the target on the tree. My groups had opened up and the POI had moved. Just from having my legs/shoulders at a slightly different angle and my hand slightly higher up the peg. Not opened up by much and the POI hadn't moved by much, but it was enough to mean I was now missing some shots at that 25mm kill at 35 yards.
Don't forget to also allow for the butt moving in/on your shoulder, if for one shot it's in a soft fleshy area then when you change angle it rests on hard bone it will effect the way a springer recoils, so an area of soft padding sewn on/in to your jacket might help a bit.