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Thread: Airgun law debate

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2016

    Airgun law debate

    its looking ever more likely that the airgun will end up with some form of licensing in the not to distant future.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Bit of a stretch!

    Two recent incidents have prompted a review.

    One in Bristol resulted in a prison sentence for the shooter who acted in an appalling manner no legislation would affect.

    The other was a result of teenagers with an unusual unsafe home made airgun that one of them had access to.

    Safe storage and Licensing are the issues being raised in regard to these incidents.
    Neither would have prevented them.
    Last edited by gingernut; 11-10-2017 at 08:24 AM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Mmmm....Unfortunately the punishment on the minority of nutters caught is too feeble and no deterrent. Just need to be as severe as hell to deter miss-use. Any legislation will not prevent miss-use. Knife crime is just as bad despite amnesty and legislation...In my days at school, we even had penknives on our person with full knowledge of the teachers and we used to carve the bark on sticks during playtime. We openly carried Bowie knives to our expeditions in the woods. I know of nobody that used them in anger, the only odd minor injuries was caused by us cutting the wrong way, but, we soon learned which direction to cut...!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2001
    Blackburn, Lancs. (under a bridge)
    Ive just received my copy of the Cats Protection Mewsletter (and some people think my puns are bad ) which states, on page 10 - 'As part of creating a better world for cats we also asked for signatures to our petition for compulsory licensing of air guns in England and Wales. More than 59,000 cat lovers have put their name to the petition. We are aiming for 100,000 signatures which will help to raise the issue in Parliament. '

    Founder & ex secretary of Rivington Riflemen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2009
    Since the licensing in Scotland this was always going to come to England sooner or later, the government could see it as a good tactic to deflect attention from other issues. they will use Scotland as an example if they can produce stats showing a decrease in Airgun related crime. It's coming for sure.
    The next one will be the lowering of the drink driving limit to match Scotland, they will say it makes sense to have the laws the same UK wide.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    Ive just received my copy of the Cats Protection Mewsletter (and some people think my puns are bad ) which states, on page 10 - 'As part of creating a better world for cats we also asked for signatures to our petition for compulsory licensing of air guns in England and Wales. More than 59,000 cat lovers have put their name to the petition. We are aiming for 100,000 signatures which will help to raise the issue in Parliament. '

    We should get over 100000 signatures to keep all cats in cages so they don't do the damage that they do to wild life and gardens. .


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by pegasus View Post
    Since the licensing in Scotland this was always going to come to England sooner or later, the government could see it as a good tactic to deflect attention from other issues. they will use Scotland as an example if they can produce stats showing a decrease in Airgun related crime. It's coming for sure.
    The next one will be the lowering of the drink driving limit to match Scotland, they will say it makes sense to have the laws the same UK wide.
    like the poll tax. if it works in scotland it will work in england and wales feel about it .

    in relation to the poll tax.
    The papers show the Tory Prime Minister's advisers discussed using Scotland as a "trailblazer" for what they deemed "the real thing" - its introduction in England and Wales.

    They even refer to the proposals as "the Scottish experiment".

    so the same could happen with an english license .
    Last edited by bighit; 11-10-2017 at 11:22 AM.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    High Wycombe
    Quote Originally Posted by lensman57 View Post
    We should get over 100000 signatures to keep all cats in cages so they don't do the damage that they do to wild life and gardens. .

    Can we do the same with property developers? After all, destruction of habitat is doing a lot of damage to wildlife. As a responsible cat owner and a responsible shooter, I won't be signing a petition to licence airguns, as it is complete nonsense to suggest it will stop scrotes from injuring/maiming/killing pets.

  9. #9
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    High Wycombe
    Quote Originally Posted by pegasus View Post
    Since the licensing in Scotland this was always going to come to England sooner or later, the government could see it as a good tactic to deflect attention from other issues. they will use Scotland as an example if they can produce stats showing a decrease in Airgun related crime. It's coming for sure.
    The next one will be the lowering of the drink driving limit to match Scotland, they will say it makes sense to have the laws the same UK wide.
    Yup, Mrs May has plenty on her plate right now and a need to grab back votes, so something that will go down well with the Press and it's gullible readers is just the ticket

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    Cambridge UK
    Quote Originally Posted by lensman57 View Post
    We should get over 100000 signatures to keep all cats in cages so they don't do the damage that they do to wild life and gardens. .

    Our cat is an excellent controller of rats and rabbits. He does no damage to gardens or wildlife. If this qualifies him as a 'hunter', should all 'hunters' be kept in cages?
    My wife and I do much work for the CPL but disagree with their knee jerk reactions and have no intention of signing a petition.
    As for yobs shooting cats with airguns ... the full force of the law should descend on them, not just a slap on the wrist.
    Cheers, Phil

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Any drop in crime statistics relating to air guns won't make the slightest difference if the political will is there to introduce a licensing system. They dropped year after year up here but those facts were simply ignored.
    The 0.22 Treefeller X X2R HW77k
    Pound for pound, the amoeba is the most vicious animal on earth.

  12. #12
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    High Wycombe
    Quote Originally Posted by Lumberjack View Post
    Any drop in crime statistics relating to air guns won't make the slightest difference if the political will is there to introduce a licensing system. They dropped year after year up here but those facts were simply ignored.
    Once you come round to the fact that all the political parties are vote grubbing troughers and will knee jerk react to any story that will please the Press, life is much easier Rosette regardless, they will screw over shooters for votes as we are an "ignorable minority" who can always be portrayed as "gun nuts". Only the truly stupid amongst us actually believe (or pretend) that one party or another will "look after our interests". Press barons hold the key to votes, and UK politicians will always play to their tune

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    St Helens, Merseyside
    Only the truly stupid amongst us actually believe (or pretend) that one party or another will "look after our interests".
    Sad but true, once one's nose is in the trough and you're moat needs cleaning well a man's gota do what a mans gota do....


  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2017
    Do you think it will happen ? If it does what will it mean? Will we have to all have FAC ? Sorry to ask fellas

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by I. J. View Post
    Ive just received my copy of the Cats Protection Mewsletter (and some people think my puns are bad ) which states, on page 10 - 'As part of creating a better world for cats we also asked for signatures to our petition for compulsory licensing of air guns in England and Wales. More than 59,000 cat lovers have put their name to the petition. We are aiming for 100,000 signatures which will help to raise the issue in Parliament. '

    Does this mean licensing for other known cat killers - anti freeze? I bet more cats per year are killed with that!

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