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Thread: New survey from HMICS for AGC,SGC,FAC users Scotland

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    West Fife

    New survey from HMICS for AGC,SGC,FAC users Scotland

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    bump for scottish members who may not have seen this . does not take long to fill it in.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2016
    Quick and easy to fill in.

  4. #4
    Gareth W-B's Avatar
    Gareth W-B is offline Retired Mod & Airgun Anorak Extraordinaire
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    Quote Originally Posted by bighit View Post

    bump for scottish members who may not have seen this
    . does not take long to fill it in.
    Indeed, and bump for us lot south of the boarder to help us keep an eye on this, too, as given the latest round of worries as highlighted by an array of current threads on the subject of AG law in England and Wales, there it can be argued, but for the (current) grace of God, go us !!!

    Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.

  5. #5
    Hsing-ee's Avatar
    Hsing-ee is offline may also be employed in conjunction with a drawn reciprocation dingle arm, to reduce sinusoidal repleneration
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    Thanks, I have filled this out.

    I said that the actual physical license for airguns would be improved by making in the same format as the UK Driving License. The small plastic card is easier to carry in a pocket and is waterproof. The Air Weapon License at the moment is an A4 piece of paper and you are not allowed to laminate it as that is 'defacing' it for some reason. You are supposed to have it with you when you are out with your airgun, I have put mine in a PolyPocket and taped it up, but a small credit card type thing would be much better.

  6. #6
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Hsing-ee View Post
    Thanks, I have filled this out.

    I said that the actual physical license for airguns would be improved by making in the same format as the UK Driving License. The small plastic card is easier to carry in a pocket and is waterproof. The Air Weapon License at the moment is an A4 piece of paper and you are not allowed to laminate it as that is 'defacing' it for some reason. You are supposed to have it with you when you are out with your airgun, I have put mine in a PolyPocket and taped it up, but a small credit card type thing would be much better.
    I have photocopies of my FAC ,SGC and AWL in an offshore sealable wallet and carry them in my rucksack. The head of firearms from grampian said this was suitable.

    He also said if you WERE supposed to carry the license when out shooting it would say so on them and it does not say it on them . Copy of my airgun one here

    Other side

    Nothing to say it must be carried when shooting on mine

    i had contacted the firearms office as i had been shooting and the MOD guys that patrol the gas compressor station had stopped me and asked to see my license which i did not carry . he then started the BS about carrying it at all times and i could be charged for not having it then saying if he did a PNC to check if i was licensed it would look bad on my firearms record . so i contacted the firearms office and this was the reply .

    Hello Paul

    In relation to your queries below. There is no need to carry your certificates. If this was a condition of the certificates it would state this on them. It maybe is easier in these circumstances if you carry them but if you were to lose them or they got stolen then questions would be asked. As you have said you could carry a photo copy.

    You are right contacting the guard house to let them know. The officer would have been able to establish you were a certificate holder by checking PNC. He could also have got in touch with the Police Scotland Control room (as they have access to this) and asked them to check the firearms licensing data base. Checking PNC wouldn't show up on your firearms record so no idea why he has said this.

    You are right to let the guard room at Garlogie know. If you have permission to shoot on land near there then there would be no real need to phone 101 and let us know. If you are having further problems with the MOD Police then its maybe an idea to phone 101. It would be recorded as an incident as information - firearms.

    Hope this helps

    the officers name has been removed by me
    Firearms Licensing
    Police Scotland
    Last edited by bighit; 22-10-2017 at 12:34 PM.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2016
    Quote Originally Posted by Gareth W-B View Post
    Indeed, and bump for us lot south of the boarder to help us keep an eye on this, too, as given the latest round of worries as highlighted by an array of current threads on the subject of AG law in England and Wales, there it can be argued, but for the (current) grace of God, go us !!!
    That's not what this is about, it's a customer service survey to see how you think it went (speed and efficiency) and how you think it could be improved.

    My tuppence was the badly worded question about whether the guns were to be kept at home on AWL1 that was ripped off from FORM 210 with the wrong emphasis, 210 logically says: If NO give reason whilst AWL1 says: if YES give reason. PS already confirmed this was a typo at SG level when the form was created.

    Also mentioned the fact that it is not made clear that you have to give every conceivable reason for a licence rather than it being a general licence. Example being the guy at my club who stated: target shooting at club X and that was his sole licence condition leaving it a waste of time and money without the necessary variation to shoot elsewhere. I also fell foul and got target shooting only but luckily mine is up for renewal in March so can wait till then to change it.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2017
    A fishing licence is small I keep mine in my wallet no probs why can't they make them like a fishing licence for God's sake

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