I have been "chasing out" some pointing on a large area of Indian Stone patio paving using a half inch cold chisel for some weeks now and I only give up when the pain in my neck and back gets too bad - so basically I am overdoing it - BUT - I spent about 4 hours yesterday afternoon on this job and then grabbed something to eat and went to the club.

Although fairly knackered and feeling some pain in my neck and back I took an LP2 with me that i had not previously set up at 10 meters and when I was happy that it was zero-ed-in about right I shot a card before spending the rest of the evening shooting with my rifle.

My first shot was pulled and produced an 8, but the next 4 shots were all good solid 10's giving me a 48 ex 50 - which for me is good.

I should also explain that I have arthritis in both hands and this does not help either (especially after a heavy session with a cold chisel) - but as I have noticed many time over the years - after some fairly strenuous work I actually shoot a pistol better than when I have had a nice relaxing day.

The opposite seems to be true for me when shooting my rifle however as when in pain and feeling knackered I find it very hard to stand motionless in preparation to take a good shot on target.

For me at least, some exercise prior to shooting with my pistol is a good thing, but prior to shooting with my rifle it is a bad thing!