there was another story that had a unlicensed airgun in it . they had went to the house to do a drugs raid . thy found drugs and an airgun. there was more interest in the airgun than the drugs in the papers story.

nother lerwick one

SUSPECTED class A and B drugs and an air pistol have been recovered by police following an intelligence-led operation in Lerwick which involved seven addresses being searched.

Officers also seized a four-figure sum of cash as they carried out the operation in the town on Thursday.

A number of people are expected to be reported to the procurator fiscal, police said.

Acting police inspector Martyn Brill said: "Today's operation was instigated in response to community concerns and saw a team of officers from Highland and Islands supported by specialist officers from Aberdeen target a number of addresses in the Lerwick area by carrying out these drug searches.

"The activity will likely result in a number of individuals being reported to the procurator fiscal for misuse of drugs and firearms offences.

"Police Scotland is committed to tackling drug misuse in local communities and disrupting the supply of illegal substances.

"Anyone with concerns about drug misuse in their area should contact Police Scotland on 101, or if they wish to remain anonymous they can call the independent charity Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111."

"A 64 year-old woman, a 66 year-old man and a 43-year-old man will also be subject of a report to the procurator fiscal in connection with an alleged offence contrary to the Air Weapons and Licensing Scotland Act 2015."