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Thread: Government review link

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Birmingham England

    Government review link

    Spotted this on the .Gov website
    No scaremongering or doom and gloom post. Just the link to have your say if not already aware.

    The Home Office will today begin seeking the views of interested parties as part of the air weapons review in England and Wales, announced by the Minister for Policing and the Fire Service, Nick Hurd. The review was announced in October following a recommendation by Her Majesty’s Senior Coroner for Suffolk, Dr Peter Dean, who wrote to the Home Office requesting a review after the death of Benjamin Wragge, aged 13, who was accidently shot by an air weapon.

    The review will seek feedback on whether existing controls are sufficient to prevent children getting hold of air weapons and the potential for placing extra requirements on adults regarding the security of air weapons when children are present.

    The review will also ask for views on:

    the storage and safe-keeping of air weapons, including possible requirements for increased security e.g. trigger locks or locked cabinets
    whether further measures are needed on manufacturing standards to prevent accidental discharge of air weapons or to prevent modification of air weapons post-sale in order to increase their power; and
    evidence from Scotland and Northern Ireland, where air weapons are subject to a licensing regime
    The Home Office is writing to a number of families who have raised the issue of air weapon legislation with their MPs as well as police forces and relevant charities and representative bodies such as the RSPCA, the Gun Control Network, the British Shooting Sports Council and the Gun Trade Association.

    These interested parties and members of the public can share evidence on the topics in the review by 6 February 2017 and write to

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2017
    I've just been on to have my say and thanks for posting. I've posted this on other forums too.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I hope those in Authority are made aware that the circumstances of this case and the airgun involved are far from the Norm.
    I will reply pointing this out.

    From what I read this was a dangerous, homemade ,over 12ft lb air rifle to which a 14 year old had approved access.
    It went off without the trigger being operated.

    Nobody prosecuted as far as I am aware but our community may face further legislation.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Mind you quite difficult to respond by February 2017.
    Work Experience boy again!!!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Since when has the "Gun Control Network" been a "Representative Body"? And representative of what, exactly? Bonkers.......

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by severnsider View Post
    Since when has the "Gun Control Network" been a "Representative Body"? And representative of what, exactly? Bonkers.......
    they are always consulted in all things gun related . they should not be but that's how it is .

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Birmingham England
    Quote Originally Posted by gingernut View Post
    Mind you quite difficult to respond by February 2017.
    Work Experience boy again!!!
    Yep, I spotted that when I posted too.
    Presumably they mean 2018. Doesn't inspire much confidence in their attention to detail if it comes to any licensing though does it?..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    Near Ipswich, Suffolk
    Quote Originally Posted by gingernut View Post
    I hope those in Authority are made aware that the circumstances of this case and the airgun involved are far from the Norm.
    I will reply pointing this out.

    From what I read this was a dangerous, homemade ,over 12ft lb air rifle to which a 14 year old had approved access.
    It went off without the trigger being operated.

    Nobody prosecuted as far as I am aware but our community may face further legislation.
    Nothing made the local papers regarding any prosecution, and there's 2 offences there, best of it was, at the time of the lads death, his family were saying that it was an unfortunate accident & they didn't feel that it should reflect against airgunners, wonder what (or who) changed their minds?

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2009
    The government will be going through the motions of consultation as it usually does before implementing exactly what it wants. Lets hope common sense prevails and the government realises further control measures will be unlikely to reduce accident or injury.
    Far more important agendas that the government need to pursue at the minute
    B.A.S.C. member

  10. #10
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    Jan 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by SuffolkRifle View Post
    Nothing made the local papers regarding any prosecution, and there's 2 offences there, best of it was, at the time of the lads death, his family were saying that it was an unfortunate accident & they didn't feel that it should reflect against airgunners, wonder what (or who) changed their minds?
    Yes the law was there but not enforced.
    So more laws will help.
    This review was also prompted by the Bristol shooting of a toddler by a family friend where the facts of the case are incredible.
    Why we have to be governed by the acts of irresponsible and criminal individuals remains a mystery to me.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    I see Mr Hurd is Minister for the Fire Servive too.

    Will he consider a review of storage of petrol in the home?

    30 litres in a nice container not under lock and key sounds a bit dangerous to me.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    Bump in case you missed this.

    We know the views of many ‘Interested parties’ including the gun control network and the Scottish authorities.

    So please have a word.

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    So here is my response, to the government. I don't think I have shown a biased view but merely pointed out some valid points for consideration

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I think as a country our gun control regulation is stringent with enough control measures in place to ensure that they are used correctly.
    As a firearms owner I know that the police FEO teams already struggle with managing firearms licencing administration the burden of extra work will only see this service struggle further.
    The banning of handguns has had no effect on gun crime which still takes place the only persons affected were the law abiding shooters who belonged to clubs etc who can no longer carry on with there sport.
    Airgun shooters as a whole enjoy the membership of clubs etc and cause no problem to the general public likewise if we took the same stance on banning cars because people drink and drive it would again affect the law abiding majority.
    There are a number of businesses that rely on shooting as a living, tighter controls would see more uk shops struggle.
    The government need to look at the harsher punishment of the people causing the nuisance as a deterent and stop punishing the majority for the acts of a reckless minority.
    Weihrauch HW97 .177, Weihrauch HW80 .22, Weihrauch HW77 .22

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Jan 2009
    The government need to look at the harsher punishment of the people causing the nuisance as a deterent and stop punishing the majority for the acts of a reckless minority.[/QUOTE] Para.

    Spot on.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by para View Post
    So here is my response, to the government. I don't think I have shown a biased view but merely pointed out some valid points for consideration

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I think as a country our gun control regulation is stringent with enough control measures in place to ensure that they are used correctly.
    As a firearms owner I know that the police FEO teams already struggle with managing firearms licencing administration the burden of extra work will only see this service struggle further.
    The banning of handguns has had no effect on gun crime which still takes place the only persons affected were the law abiding shooters who belonged to clubs etc who can no longer carry on with there sport.
    Airgun shooters as a whole enjoy the membership of clubs etc and cause no problem to the general public likewise if we took the same stance on banning cars because people drink and drive it would again affect the law abiding majority.
    There are a number of businesses that rely on shooting as a living, tighter controls would see more uk shops struggle.
    The government need to look at the harsher punishment of the people causing the nuisance as a deterent and stop punishing the majority for the acts of a reckless minority.

    just a bit of advice . up here its a different department that deals with the airgun license so the firearms offices does not deal with it . my FEO when he came to visit me for my fire arms and shotgun renewal did not even want to see my theoben evo . he said " its nothing to do with me what airguns you have so i don't need to see it at all unless its an FAC airgun ".

    so if they do decide to go down the airgun license in england and follow the scottish way ,it may be the same in relation to the departments . but you never know how they would do it until they do implement it which i hope they do not .

    i will send a reply to them to help our english neighbours as a good few tried to help us up here which i have huge respect for them.

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