Quote Originally Posted by gingernut View Post
I don’t think I have a favourite MrT hence the double purchase.

I doubt the bb model will be as accurate as the pellet one but it a great looking gun.

I don’t know if you can shoot pellets through the bb one.
Barrels look the same but you can’t really see.

Bb shells load at front pellet at rear hence pellet supposed to be bit more powerful.

Hope to get to the range as it warms up a bit.

Incidentally I never did get spare Peacemaker grips.
Just swap them around now and again.

Thanks Patrick,maybe I'll get the pellet version first for a change this time although I prefer the nickel and white grip look as I'm sure you well know.

I didn't find my 'friendly' local gun store helpful in the slightest when it came to ordering spare anything from Umarex,so I
will grip swap from time to time as the mood takes me.
