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Thread: BASC and the airgun consultation

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    BASC and the airgun consultation

    Dear All,
    Info here, but keep and eye on the BASC web site as the situation develops

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2015
    Sounds fair enough

    I'm pleased to see that they're not using that bloody awful phrase 'air weapon'.

    All of the above.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    BASC also opposed the air gun licensing in Scotland and we saw what happened there. Everyone should take action over this by writting to their MP and Mr Hurd.


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Whether further measures are needed on manufacturing standards to prevent accidental discharge of airguns or to prevent modification of airguns post-sale in order to increase their power.

    how does that work when the rifle that killed Benjamin Wragge was supposedly a home made rifle ?

    they are going after factory made airguns in my eyes with that statement .

    "A 13-year-old boy was killed when a homemade air rifle held by a lifelong friend accidentally discharged and hit him in the neck, an inquest heard."

    "Hayward said the weapon was not made by a commercial manufacturer. It was a .22 air rifle which had a telescopic sight and silencer, could be loaded with up to nine pellets without them being visible, had no safety catch, and could discharge without the trigger being pulled."

    it was also over the 12ftlbs limit which the other had assumed was correct because the maker of the rifle said it was .

    plus (1) a LOADED rifle was found in an (2) AIRING cupboard .

    1 it should not have been left loaded an 2 there is strict guidelines on safe storage .

    so airgun users are being penalised for people having no common sense or any idea on how to store a * firearm .

    yes i know there will be other cases other than the Ben Wragge death but it still comes down to common sense.

    *BASC chairman Peter Glenser, a barrister who specialises in firearms law, said: “In law, airguns are classified as firearms and are subject to all the criminal provisions of the Firearms Act.

    “This is already a powerful penal statute and there is no need for further law. The solution has already been identified by government as education and enforcement.”

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2015
    Found an internet campaign from last summer by ' Cat Protetion ' people inviting all people to join their campaign to extend ' air gun laws ' to England. This thing is more than just a coincidence brought about by the unfortunate and gut wrenching accidental death of two young people. There is more to it than meets the eye.
    Not so long ago they wanted to ban the PCPs as one was found to have been well over the limit, we all know the story of that one. It was the swift action of the likes of the AA who introduced AT to prevent the ban. They are after any excuse to ban airguns period, and logic does not come into the argument.

    Today in Southport they shot a man at point blank range at midday with a shot gun spraying bystanders with pellets. The third shooting in as many days in the Liverpool area. I wonder where in the grand scheme of things the menace of air rifle comes into the ladder of priorities of this government. Stopping criminals roaming our streets shooting people in broad daylight with weapons that are truly lethal or tying up even more of the none existant police resources with none sense about air rifles?

    Last edited by lensman57; 21-12-2017 at 06:39 PM.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    Bath, innit?
    Is there an actual consultation paper ?

    If we don’t all reply to this we will only have ourselves to blame when more restrictions come in.

    Cats Protection are up to 78,800 signatures on their petition for air rifle licenses this morning

    We snooze, we loose. Simple as that

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Nov 2004
    Near Reigate, Surrey
    As usual this is a simple case of law enforcement rather than the addition of more laws. Our cat owning friends should understand one simple fact that it is illegal to shoot cats! Anyone shooting cats should be prosecuted under existing laws so any more laws won't actually help. They think it will but it won't.
    'It may be that your sole purpose in life is to serve as a warning to others'.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    Don't just moan on here it's not only about cats it's about storage, stricter anti tamper, licencing etc.
    Write a reasoned response to the Home Office.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Jerry Cornelius View Post
    Is there an actual consultation paper ?

    If we don’t all reply to this we will only have ourselves to blame when more restrictions come in.

    Cats Protection are up to 78,800 signatures on their petition for air rifle licenses this morning

    We snooze, we loose. Simple as that
    no questionnaire as such .you just write your views to them . reply here .

    my response

    Dear Sir/Madam
    I think as a country our gun control regulation is stringent with enough control measures in place to ensure that they are used correctly.

    As a firearms owner I know that the police FEO teams already struggle with managing firearms licencing administration the burden of extra work will only see this service struggle further.

    The banning of handguns has had no effect on gun crime which still takes place the only persons affected were the law abiding shooters who belonged to clubs etc who can no longer carry on with their sport.

    The people that misuse airguns at present will not respect any new regulations as they do not follow the strict regulations that in place at present .

    The incident involving Benjamin Wragge was a tragic incident which if the owner of the airgun had stored correctly in accordance within the requirements of section 46 of the crime and security act 2010 namely
    (1) Failing to prevent minors from having air weapons
    It is an offence for a person in possession of an air weapon to fail to take reasonable precautions to prevent any person under the age of eighteen from having the weapon with him .

    Benjamin Wragge was shot and tragically killed with an unlicensed airgun (above the 12ftlbs limit set under the firearms (Dangerous Air Weapons ) rules 1969 ).

    The airgun involved was found in an airing cupboard within the house on the property where Benjamin was shot and killed . Had the airgun been stored in accordance with section 46 of the crime and security act 2010 , This incident may never have happened

    There are a number of businesses that rely on shooting as a living, tighter controls would see a possible closure of these shops ,they may sell other sporting goods like fishing goods but the airgun side of the business will suffer and possibly lead to unemployment and the business closing

    The government needs to uphold the penalties that are currently in force or implement stricter penalties to those that break the law with airguns rather than imposing stricter regulations on the law abiding airgun users .


    There is a thread here

    Up here in scottyland its not the FEO's that deal with the AWC ,its a separate department . My FEO did not even want to see my airguns when he was here for my renewal. "not my department ,im only here for the FAC and SGC side of it " was his answer.
    Tthey may end up with the Firearms offices dealing with it after they have set it all up.

    I have not heard of any one having a home visit for their AWC and they have not said a cabinet is required for storage.

    The scottish safe storage or airguns is as follows

    Will air weapons need to be stored in a firearms cabinet?
    No, although this is an ideal place to store them. However, the guidelines on security and storage won’t change from what they are just now.

    Current Home Office guidance is available at
    Last edited by bighit; 22-12-2017 at 11:35 AM.

  10. #10
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    Don't just moan on here it's not only about cats it's about storage, stricter anti tamper, licencing etc.
    Write a reasoned response to the Home Office.
    I tend to think whatever we do or say will count for nothing. We all know that the gun crime problem in this country is all our fault. The picture will be painted and decisions made regardless os what we do. The joke is it will have naff all effect on the figures because criminals don't tend to have legal firearms anyway.
    You can spend thousands and still miss a barn door or spend just enough and enjoy yourself. If you haven't got the talent to start with a million pound won't fix it. Whippet, Russell, a few bang sticks and a flat cap.

  11. #11
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    Sep 2010
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Edge View Post
    I tend to think whatever we do or say will count for nothing. We all know that the gun crime problem in this country is all our fault. The picture will be painted and decisions made regardless os what we do. The joke is it will have naff all effect on the figures because criminals don't tend to have legal firearms anyway.
    Well doing nothing will certainly have no effect.

  12. #12
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    Mar 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by angrybear View Post
    Well doing nothing will certainly have no effect.
    Doing everything possible had a brilliant result in Scotland. Que sera sera.
    You can spend thousands and still miss a barn door or spend just enough and enjoy yourself. If you haven't got the talent to start with a million pound won't fix it. Whippet, Russell, a few bang sticks and a flat cap.

  13. #13
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    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rob Edge View Post
    Doing everything possible had a brilliant result in Scotland. Que sera sera.
    You can't use that excuse. The Scottish government listens to no one. Look at the police for example. They were told they would be charged vat when they merged all the region's and then started crying about it when they got billed for it.

    They don't care for facts .it's their way or no way.

    The justice minister at the time said the airgun license was going through no matter what.

    I would like to think the English government were going to listen . And I'm pretty sure if they wanted to bring in stricter rules they would have done it before now.

    This is what he said .
    from a newspaper article in 2013
    Justice Secretary Kenny MacAskill said: "In 2011, the Scottish Government gave a commitment to introduce a robust system of air weapon licensing designed to enable police to better protect our communities by taking these potentially lethal weapons out of the hands of those who would misuse them.
    "It is no surprise that the consultation into this issue has attracted a significant number of responses expressing strong feelings from both sides of the debate, and I am grateful that people have taken the time to give their opinions on the proposals.
    "We have always been clear that licensing will happen and this has been a valuable exercise in highlighting issues and drawing out concerns around our suggested changes.
    "It is important that we now consider all views submitted as we continue to develop a system of licensing that is fair, proportionate and practicable for police and shooters alike.
    "It is simply not right that in a modern Scotland air guns are available without a licence.
    the bit in red tells you that they are doing it no matter what information or evidence is submitted. Its going to happen and it did it was always going to go through even if everyone disagreed .

    He listened to no one despite the police saying it would be a nightmare to "police" and despite the consultation saying it was not required.

    As i said above . I would like to think the english government would listen and take all the evidence into consideration before acting and not doing a scottish government and rail road it through like they do with most schemes no matter if it works or not.
    Last edited by bighit; 23-12-2017 at 09:34 AM.

  14. #14
    Join Date
    May 2009
    Ah well...i best save up for my new licence and gun cabinet....that if we are still allowed air rifles at sub 12 in 2018....happy new year

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Oct 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by Rocket launcher View Post
    Ah well...i best save up for my new licence and gun cabinet....that if we are still allowed air rifles at sub 12 in 2018....happy new year
    I hope it does not happen as its a complete waste of time . its costing more than it brings in to run even though they do not come to visit you so there is not police coming to your house that will incur costs to the scheme like it does with firearms and shotgun checks .

    18,000 licenses issued (at last count) in scotland and the full number of applicants will not be known until the last firearms or shotgun license is up for renewal in 2021 how many in total will be issued to current airgun owners in scotland .

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