Payment by cheque
Hi Russ,
Transferring the payment into the Club account is still the preferred method to pay for the MPL entry and payment by PayPal "gift" is good too! Cash can also be paid into the account OK - but cheques are not so easy!
The closure of our local HSBC means that we have to make any payments into our Club account though a post office. Any cheques that are paid in are just put into an envelope and posted off by the PO after they are "paid in" over the counter - and the account is not credited until after the cheque has been "received and processed" by the banks clearance depot it is posted to.
I guess if you have total trust in the GPO then that is OK, but no receipt is given for any cheque that is paid in this way and no responsibility is taken by the PO for the security of the cheques postal flight either! (I have asked about this and was not too impressed by the answer).
I do however still have the Clubs HSBC "paying-in" book so if we can find an HSBC that is still open we can pay cheques into the account in the usual way.
Last edited by zooma; 28-01-2018 at 11:30 AM.
Rossendale Target Shooting Club. Every Tuesday and Thursday evening 7 - 10pm.