Nothing wrong with the power. All these co2 replicas are around 2 to 3 ft lbs.
It's good practice to seat the pellets well. I'd suggest something lighter like rws hobby at 7 grains.
Hello, ordered one and it arrived on Friday, too late to do more than unpack and have a look. Saturday, well not being a pistol person other than having 3 Crosman 600 then I must say I was quite impressed. Not so impressed with the ft-lbs. struggling to make 2 ft-lbs most being around the 1.8/9 mark.
So the question is is there anything wrong or do they have to be 'run in' ? I was using Accupells at 8gn. because I have quite a few thousand and use them in other stuff. Tried some RWS at 7 gn. with the same result. Noticed a puff of CO2 from the rear of the cylinder/frame area, do the pellets have to be seated down below the end of the shell, I pressed them flush with the end.
Sorry for lots of questions, one more please, which pellets are suitable please.
Thank you.
Nothing wrong with the power. All these co2 replicas are around 2 to 3 ft lbs.
It's good practice to seat the pellets well. I'd suggest something lighter like rws hobby at 7 grains.
Hello thank you for that, it is reassuring to know that there is nothing wrong, although I am not too sure all CO2 pistols are the same, I tried a CP1 (I think that was the model) that was 5 ft-lbs. the reason I didn't buy was it didn't fit me.
Ade said co2 replicas which the CP isn't.
Your Schofield will give a bit more power with lighter pellets and warmer weather.
Apologies, yes I thought that I had Been A bit Quick With the Answer, lack of sleep and painkillers not a good combination.
i found maksman .177 good in my sons cp88 very lightweight too.
Apology not necessary.
Just pointing out the difference.
Gecos and Air Arms 4.52 work well in my Schofield.
H&N not so good
Maybe something to do with skirt width?
To avoid pellet choice why not get the bb model too?
Any excuse!
Well that is a few pellets to try, going to the range tomorrow. Have a Crosman 357 magnum which comes with pellet and bb shells, I wonder if they will fit, will find out.
I've read somewhere that the Webley mkVI shells are the same
Yep, was me that posted that on another thread a month or so ago, and notwithstanding the writing around the cartridge lips (Webley or Schofield), both the pellet cartridges and both the BB cartridges (and speed-loaders) for both the aforementioned pistols are exactly the same and fully interchangeable.
Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.
Reassuring to know I'm not imagining things... Again!
Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.
Wow thats good then, got more than I thought! Just ordered some pellets. Geco.
Couple of the guys at my local club have them and to be honest I'm impressed. Others have the Smith n Weston variant which i like also
but for me the Schofield felt better in the hand and just seemed slightly better put together. Can see me getting one in the very near future.
Shooting at 10m its never going to be as accurate as a target pistol but bang to wack times certainly didn't seem any slower than other
pistols on the range. Tim
Hi Tim. Go on, do it, you know you want to, and you know you won't regret it -- and remember, as the pellet shells and BB shells are interchangeable, you can choose either of the liveries (distressed black with wood effect grips or coffee tinted nickel with faux ivory grips), buy a spare set of the shells for the type of ammo which don't come with your pistol (remember here, Webley MK.VI pellet and/or BB shells are identical), and you've got all bases covered.
Done my bit for the BBS:… now I’m a game-keeper turned poacher.