Quote Originally Posted by MikeHW45 View Post
Cheers Tone,

We have a feeling that there was more to it than just careless driving. He was gutted about causing the accident and couldn't remember much but we think it may have been a heart problem that possibly caused it as they didn't take him off the ECG monitor for the three and a half hours that we were there for. The paramedics seemed pretty concerned about it.
Mike, whatever you do, please get the claims in for your injuries.

I'm not a "freeloader" and wouldn't suggest that you might also. But, after an incident like this, it's all too easy to just thank your lucky stars thst you're alive and acknowledge that things could have, indeed, been so, so much worse. I know, I've been there. If you're lucky, those whiplash injuries might just bugger off really quickly. However, they may not. And, due to this injury's "invisible" nature, it's a hard one. But, and I don't want to scare monger, those symptoms could affect you and Rachel for years. Following my big smash in 2013, not a day passes without pain to my neck, shoulders, right down my arms and into my fingers. I have to perform many tasks differently to before and re-adjust. My claim didn't go as it should have done, as they said that as I'd had a similar injury in 1997, this more recent accident had simply "re-awoken" old tissue scars and injuries and I received a pittance. This was in spite of me being pain free for about 13 years previously!

You didn't ask for this to happen and we're just going about your business. The other driver could have killed you. Go for it, you deserve it. There'll be many undeserving scammers out there, you're not amongst them. You and your family should not have to suffer unduly (both health-wise and financially) for this.